Chapter 54

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A new day at the Endeavor Agency came out, they were currently in Endeavor's office as a cop pleaded with the boss. They were all staring at pictures of graffiti on the table. 

"There have been already more than fifty incidents," the cop reported. "Endeavor will you help bring this vandal to justice?"

Endeavor looked at the man. "You are asking me to track down a mere graffiti artist?"

"I'm begging you," the cop said 

Endeavor got to his feet. "Send more officers. This job is beneath me."

"Please sir," the man said. "We've tried. The man known as Mr. Smiley keeps eluding our forces, his quirks too strong."

"Now you've got my interest," Burnin said.

"What kind of power does he have?" Kido asked. 

"Everybody who looked at Smiley's face loses their mind," the cop explained. "The convulse in fits of laughter."

"That's your problem," Endeavor growled. 

"It's agony!" said the cop. "Victims on the ground, unable to stop cracking up. What's more, this would last for two full hours. Whenever we try to arrest him, he makes us laugh and slips through our fingers." 

Endeavor sat back down. "Oh, very well, I suppose we can keep an eye out for this comedian out on patrol." 

"The city thanks you sir," the cop said. Soon the police force left; Endeavor stared out the window.

"Can't believe they are forcing such a trivial case on us."

"Yikes," Kido grunted. "The graffiti pretty bad."

"Yeah, does this guy think he's Banksy or something?" Omina asked.

"I think he just wants people to see it," Eva said. "Despite how others may view it."

"He can force his opponents to start laughing," Izuku said. "Which means he's a lot like Ms. Joke."

"Perhaps the easiest option would be to arrest him without looking him in the face," Shoto said. 

"Why are you guys taking this scumbag so seriously, huh?" Katsuki demanded with his hands raised. 

"I'm going home for a bit," Endeavor announced. "Patrols are on you."

"Roger," the sidekicks said in unison. 

That night; Eva was in Shoto's room; they were doing homework together. They had a few candles going for light; Shoto has made a habit of using candles when Eva is in the room due to her dislike of artificial light.

"This graffiti artist feels like a waste of our work-study time," Shoto said.

"I don't think so," Eva answered. "Though I do wish they'd take deforestation as seriously as this Mr. Smiley." Shoto looked over at her. "Each case we work on is something we can learn from. No big or small the matter is."

Shoto looked back at his studies. "I don't really get this guy's artwork."

"I don't either," Eva said. "But it obviously means a lot to him." Shoto scooted closer to her, he kissed her forehead the moment she looked up at him.


Morning came along with another wave of Endeavor's anger.

"I want our entire agency after this scourge of society named Mr. Smiley. Got it?"

"We got it, sir," they responded. 

Izuku turned Shoto when Endeavor walked away. "He's more passionate all of a sudden."

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