reality tv: b [4]

501 12 1

at the camera: lucy
if you don't remember what happened in that last episode here's a recap.
it was thanksgiving and everyone came. ben and y/n were not together and it was awkward because they both brought the salad. y/n didn't want to sit by ben during dinner but ben want to sit by y/n so that caused a whole altercation and they had to go to another room to talk it out.

we found out the reason they broke up was because there was an argument that ben accused y/n of cheating and when they asked us for help ben revealed he has trust issues and now t/n thinks ben doesn't trust her.

whew! that was a lot

y/n: so you don't trust me. is what you're saying?
ben: i didn't say i didn't trust you. i said have trust issues
gwil: mostly comes from past relationships, but this small little argument shouldn't affect your relationship this much. think you both should come t your senses that you two are being a little dramatic.
joe: preach!
lucy: joe
joe: sorry
y/n: can we go get drinks
rami: y/n no-
y/n: jesus called he said he wants vodka
lucy: .....i'll come. what? we all seem stressed let's go
joe: but....the food...

at the camera: you

into the night is one of the best night clubs there is. i definitely recommend if you want to get drunk quickly because they do something their drinks that even if you're on your second're wasted. they probably put a drug in there i don't know but please don't raid the place and shut them down cause i said that. i say stupid things like that all the time but i really need that club so...

don't do it.

"i would take the wolf margarita and the midnight spin" i told the bartender. "ooh also-"

"no, only two drinks at a time" lucy tells y/n. y/n rolls her eyes and mumbles 'fine' with a pout. "i'll be right back" lucy tells her and walks off. y/n looked behind her making sure lucy was out of sight before she went back to order the drink she wanted.

"like i was saying before i also want the rockstar shot. sounds intense—give me three of those" she told the bartender.

"are you having a rough night?" he asked. "yes" y/n replied.

multiple drinks later

at the camera: lucy

y/n and ben are out of it. they won't keep their hands to theirselves. i don't understand. you're supposed to be broken up...and you're supposed to be hating each other right now. i'm actually scared because they are not good talkers when they're drunk—they're unfiltered . i bet you twenty dollars they're going to be in the same bed tonight

camera man: i bet you they're not


"don't hold me. you're not in my life anymore" y/n slurs and pushes ben onto the leather couch. lucy looks at the camera.

"so what? you got a new boyfriend? [beep] your boyfriend [beep]" ben drunkly says. the others watched to the two rudely go at each other. "should we do something?" joe asked. "i'm really comfortable right now" rami says. he was laying back on the couch with his feet propped up on the table in front of him.

"even-even if i did, he'll trust me better than you ever did. you don't see me on your [beep] when you hang out with your ex for two week. i know you're [beep] her"

"is now you think i'm [beep] with my ex? when did i ever hang out with her huh?"

"kiss and make up already" joe says getting tiered of the situation. y/n started laughing which caused ben to start laughing to. "give me a kiss" ben wrapped his arms around y/n pulling her closer to him. "n-no i hate you. why-why would i kiss you" y/n put her hands on ben face trying to push him away. he took her hands away and started to whisper in her ear. everyone had confused faces while y/n just giggled at what ben was saying.

"we're going home" y/n says almost falling over standing up. "give me the keys" ben walked over to gwil but tripped and onto the floor. he started laughing and so did y/n.

"you know what i think we should go" gwil stood up and helped ben back up to his feet. "not babysitting" lucy called as they went to their cars.
"not it" rami and gwil called leaving joe to have y/n and ben in his car. "dang it!!" joe yelled.

"y/n you get in the front, and ben you sit in the back" joe ordered taking them to their seats. "unfair" y/n pouted as she sat down in the passenger seat.

ben sat behind y/n as he whispered to her on the other side of the seat. "come back here, princess"
y/n smiled and took off her seatbelt catching joe's attention. "hey! what are you doing?"

"she wants to sit on my lap" ben says without thinking and excitement. "no. y/n doesn't not want to sit in your lap" joe lightly hit the brake making y/n fall down in her seat. "joe, you're mean" she whines.

"yes she does come on" ben smiles reaching for her.

"no! sit down and put a seatbelt on. i'm not trying to-HEY! get your head out her shirt. stop it!" he seen what was happening through the rear view mirror. he reach behind them and swung his arm around trying to tap y/n but she just swatted his hand away. "you're ruining the fun" she says.

"fun?! we're five minutes away from the house. you can wait!"

y/ n gasped excitedly and got off of the ben to look out the window. "we're home?!" she asks clueless and ignoring the fact that they were still moving. "no-"
"you're a lier" she cuts him off. she leans back on the seat then lays back onto the door.

"he's always lying" ben waves joe off and leans over to give her a kiss. joe parked the car in the driveway. "we're here! now look!-" he turned around and seen them making out. "nope. nope not in here buddy" joe shook ben by his shoulder. ben fought his hand away and weakly pushed joe by his face. not wanting to waste his time anymore joe just got out and left the two to mind their business.

"hey," lucy greets as he walks inside of the house. she noticed how he was the only one to enter. "where are the children?" she refers to ben and y/n. "in the car" joe huffs as he falls back onto the couch. "did they pass out" gwil lightly smiled at the thought of them randomly passing out cuase it was funny to him. joe shook his head no. "they're....talking" he despised to say. lucy looks at the camera with a smirk.

at the camera: lucy

"—bed, car, same thing. they still ended up sleeping together"

cameraman: just go with your word. you said bed not car. give me twenty bucks


☆𝐁𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐲 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬☆Where stories live. Discover now