"𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧"

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"Where's warren?!" She asked jean scared. "Pete went to go look for him. Hey, don't worry, he's going to find him okay?"

They just finished another one of their biggest fights. Everyone was wore out, bleeding and bruising. Y/n never used so much of her powers in one day before. But she wasn't worried about herself, she was more worried about her boyfriend, Warren, who wasn't at the group meet up after the fight. They all sat there window the plane waiting for him to come back.

It worried her like crazy that she didn't know where he was. She kept pushing the thought that he was near the explosion that happened but it just kept coming to her head over and over again. She never wanted to have negative thoughts on situations like these.

Y/n's head shot up after hearing feet ahead of her. She saw Pete holding warren who was hopefully unconscious in his arms. She ran up to him after he placed him on the seat.

"Warren" she whispered placing her hand on the side of his face.

"He's still alive don't worry. I checked his pulse when I found him" Peter said rubbing your back as you sat beside him.

It was like this the whole plane ride back to the school. Even though she knew he was alive, she couldn't help but feel that something else was going to happen.

They took him to urgent care that was in the school. Y/n didn't want to leave his side because she still had that bad feeling.

"Y/n you should go to your room. He's going to be fine, I promise" the nurse said to the tired girl. She let out a sigh and slowly got out of her seat. "We'll call your room when he wakes up okay? He's very lucky to have you by his side" the nurse gave her a small smile.

The next day, y/n sat in her room trying to distract herself with the school work she had but she could barely think. All of her thoughts were just covered with warren.
The telephone on her beside table rang. She reached over, answering it immediately. "Hello"

"Warren, is now awake, you can come see him now" the nurse informs her. Y/n let out a breath. "Thank you so much" she hung up the phone and rushed out of bed.

'Race you there' Jean said in her head. Y/n laughed as she opened her door and speed walked all the way to the nurse office not wanting to run and earning weird looks from everyone.

Jean stood by the door with her arms crossed as she gave a eyebrow at y/n. "I win" she teased. "You go first. I just came to see if he was okay and to see if he had Mr. Stone's homework answers"
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully as she slowly entered his room, Jean following behind her.
He looked away his hands and looked up at y/n.

"I'm so happy you're ok" y/n carefully gave him a hug as warren hesitated to give one back. jean noticed a confused expression on his face but she didn't pay much attention to it and waved it off.

"You scared the shit out of me, never do that again"

"Okay?" He looked away from y/n's gaze looking off to the side. "Hey, do you have the answer to Mr. Stone's homework from Thursday?"

"Who?" He leaned forwards a little. "Mr. Stone? Our fifth period teacher Warren"

Jean was getting curious on what was up with warren. She didn't know why he was acting like he was...clueless.

"I don't know who you're talking about sorry. And..I don't know who you guys are" he looked at both of them. Y/n's face went straight for a while then she started laughing.

"Yeah, you're so funny, cut the act warren" she chuckled. Warren continued to look at her with a weird expression.

"Warren..." she looked at him. "I'm sorry-"
"Don't act like this, it was funny the first time" she cut him off getting a little more serious. She grabbed his hand but he pulled it away.

"Warren..." her eyes started to get glossy as she looked at him.

"Why do you keep saying that name? I don't know who you guys are, I don't know a Mr. Stone or this warren guy!" He let out a chuckle.

Y/n's lip shook as tears came out of her eyes. "It's me..." she mumbled. He looked at the tears eyes girl beside him. "It's y/n..your girlfriend of 2 years, the girl you knew your whole life, the girl that you spilled punch all over at the middle school dance..."

Jean tried to read his mind but she couldn't find anything. She didn't want to believe what she thought.

"You're Warren! Warren Worthington the third with a 4.98 GPA, and loves to play board games especially scramble," Her voice grew weaker the more she cried. "Because you would make up words just so you can win and-" she stopped talking for a few seconds to take a breather. She put her faces in her hands sitting in that positions or a while.
As for warren he felt bad that she was crying even though he didn't know her.

Please remember, Please I don't want this to happen-"
She was cut off by the door opening seeing the nurse and Jean walk in.

"Come on, we have to leave for a little bit" Jean told y/n as she made her stand up and walk her out of the nurse office.

"Jean, why can't he remember-"
"The nurse said that he could have lost his memory from the impact" she held her shoulders. Y/n rubbed her temples then rubbed away her tears.

"He going to remember, babes-"
"What if he doesn't?! What if the warren we know and loved doesn't come back!"

"Don't talk like that!"

"Wouldn't you want your boyfriend to come back to you?! It's not a good feeling Jean" she cried avoiding eye contact. she pulled her in for a hug holding her tightly as she cried into her shoulder.
"It's not a good feeling...it's horrible" she repeats.

☆𝐁𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐲 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬☆Where stories live. Discover now