Boyfriend ASMR

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I woke up to the sun rays leaking through the blinds. I place my hand to the side of me feeling a empty space. I finally open my eyes to see a laptop on Ben's pillow with a paper that had the writing 'play me'
I raised up in my bed and open the laptop. It automatically turned on showing a play button in the screen. I pressed play nervous of what was going to show.

On the screen showed Ben. I already started laughing knowing this is going to be something:

"ᴳᴼᴼᴰ ᴹᴼᴿᴺᴵᴺᴳ, ᴮᴬᴮᵞ ᴳᴵᴿᴸ. ᵂᴴᴱᴺ ᵞᴼᵁ ˢᴱᴱ ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᵛᴵᴰᴱᴼ ᵞᴼᵁ'ᴿᴱ ᴳᴼᴵᴺᴳ ᵀᴼ ᴮᴱ ᴬᵂᴬᴷᴱ...ᵞᴼᵁ ᴮᴱᵀᵀᴱᴿ ᶜᴬᵁˢᴱ ᴵ ᴰᴵᴰᴺ'ᵀ ˢᴬᵞ ᴳᴼᴼᴰᴹᴼᴿᴺᴵᴺᴳ ᶠᴼᴿ ᴺᴼ ᴿᴱᴬˢᴼᴺ"
Ben was whispering.

"Oh my god" I mumbled already knowing what this is.

"ᴵ'ᵛᴱ ᴮᴱᴱᴺ ᴼᴺ ᵞᴼᵁᵀᵁᴮᴱ ᴬ ᴸᴼᵀ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴵ ᵂᴬᵀᶜᴴ ᴬ ᴸᴼᵀ ᴼᶠ ᴬˢᴹᴿ ᵛᴵᴰᴱᴼˢ, ˢᴼ ᴵ ᵀᴴᴼᵁᴳᴴᵀ ᴵ ᵂᴼᵁᴸᴰ ᴹᴬᴷᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴬ ˢᴾᴱᶜᴵᴬᴸ ᴼᴺᴱ"

"ᶠᴵᴿˢᵀ ᴼᶠᶠ, ᴵᴹ ᴳᴼᴵᴺᴳ ᵀᴼ ˢᴬᵞ ᴵ ᴸᴼᵛᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴮᴱᶠᴼᴿᴱ ᴵ ˢᴺᴬᴾ, ˢᴼ ᴵ ᴸᴼᵛᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ ˢᴼ ᴹᵁᶜᴴ ᴮᵁᵀ ᴵ ᴬᴹ ᴹᴬᴰ ᴬᵀ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴮᴱᶜᴬᵁˢᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴬᵀᴱ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴸᴬˢᵀ ˢᴸᴵᶜᴱ ᴼᶠ ᴾᴵᶻᶻᴬ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴴᴱᴿᴱ ᴵˢ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴿᴱᴬˢᴼᴺ ᵂᴴᵞ ᴵ ᴬᴹ ᴹᴬᴰ. ᴵ ᶜᴬᴸᴸᴱᴰ ᴰᴵᴮˢ ᴼᴺ ᵀᴴᴬᵀ ˢᴸᴵᶜᴱ ᴬᴺᴰ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴷᴺᴼᵂ ᵂᴱ ᵀᴬᴷᴱ ᴰᴵᴮˢ ᵛᴱᴿᵞ ˢᴱᴿᴵᴼᵁˢᴸᵞ"

"Well you didn't write your name-"

"ᴬᴺᴰ ᴵ ᶜᴸᴱᴬᴿᴸᵞ ᵂᴿᴼᵀᴱ ᴹᵞ ᴺᴬᴹᴱ ᴼᴺ ᴵᵀ ᵂᴵᵀᴴ ᶜᴴᴱᴱˢᴱ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴹᵞ ᴺᴬᴹᴱ ᴼᴺ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴼᵁᵀˢᴵᴰᴱ ᴼᶠ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴮᴼˣ......ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᵂᴵᴸᴸ ᴮᴱ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴸᴬˢᵀ ᵀᴵᴹᴱ ᴵ ᵂᴵᴸᴸ ᵀᴬᴸᴷ ᵀᴼ ᵞᴼᵁ ᵁᴺᵀᴵᴸ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴮᵁᵞ ᴬ ᴺᴱᵂ ᴮᴼˣ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴳᴵᵛᴱ ᴹᴱ ᵀᴴᴬᵀ ᴼᴺᴱ ˢᴸᴵᶜᴱ. ᴬᴺᴰ ᴮᵞ ᵀᴴᴱ ᵂᴬᵞ ᴵ ᵀᴼᴼᴷ ᵞᴼᵁᴿ ᴾᴴᴼᴺᴱ ᶜᴴᴬᴿᴳᴱᴿ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴵᵀ ᴾᴿᴼᴮᴬᴮᴸᵞ ᴰᴵᴱᴰ ᴼᵛᴱᴿ ᴺᴵᴳᴴᵀ"

I picked up my phone from my bedside table and tried to turn it on. It was dead.

"Son of a bi-"

"ᴵ ᴸᴼᵛᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴮᵞᴱ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴰᴼᴺᵀ ᶠᴼᴿᴳᴱᵀ ᵀᴼ ᴼᴿᴰᴱᴿ ᵀᴴᴬᵀ ᴮᴼˣ ᴼᶠ ᴾᴵᶻᶻᴬ"
The video stopped and I groaned and got out of bed.

"Now I have to drive to the pizza pallor"

☆𝐁𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐲 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬☆Where stories live. Discover now