Chapter Thirteen.

Start from the beginning

"Usually I let that play out longer, but you impressed me Devin. Welcome to Inferno."

I soon realized we were in an arena, and Inferno was bigger than I ever imagined. My jaw dropped open as hundreds of people surrounded us, cheering us on for passing what I'm assuming is their test.

"Oh, also," Killiam tapped my shoulder. "You need to control your link. He has a real anger problem."


My eyes searched for him in the endless faces but I couldn't find him.

"Relax, young one." Killiam placed his hand onto my shoulder. I jumped.

"I will take you to him."

In a flash, I was transported to a dark hallway. We were standing outside a door. I let out a gasp as dizziness filled my head. I will never get used to this man's teleportation skills.

"Graizen is waiting in there for you. He was too much of a danger to everyone during your initiation, so we placed him in your room."

My room? I felt like there was a catch to every word he was saying. It was really this easy? My heart skipped a beat as I remembered Ryker, still in that arena.

"Before you freak out, Ryker is being watched by Rayner, and those two women who are practically attached at the hip. Go be with your link, you need each other after today."

I was beyond surprised at his words. Relief flooded through me at the confirmation that Aster and Micah were also both okay. I couldn't help but notice Killiam's voice soften as he said Rayner's name. That is something I will have to worry about later. I didn't bother saying anything to Killiam before bursting through the door. Graizen was on the bed, out cold, with his neck at an awkward angle. I can only imagine how crazy he must've gone during my initiation to Inferno. As I walked over to the bed, I couldn't help but notice how amazing this apartment was. It had a view of the city, you could look outside and see endless lights and people in their everyday lives. I still wonder just what Killiam meant by our room. Is this our home now? I ignored my questions as I joined Graizen on the bed. I placed my hands on either side of his skin, stroking his sharp features.


He gasped as he awoke in fear, looking in every direction. His hands instantly went to my face, capturing every inch of me as he frantically searched my body for any wounds.

"I'm okay." I allowed myself to smile for once. "We're okay."

Graizen was still trying to calm down as I fiercely pressed my lips against his. His lips circled around mine as I straddled him on the bed, my legs on either side of his torso. His eyes turned dark as he looked at me with a look that almost caused me to melt. I ripped open his shirt, before tracing my hands along the warmth of his stomach and chest. He let out a low groan, squeezing my hips against him.

"Thia." He hesitated for a second as I removed my hands from his chest. "You want this right now, right?"

I answered him by pressing my lips against his once again, trailing my lips along his jaw.

"I need this, Graizen." I whispered lowly into his ear. "I need you."

That was enough for Graizen as all of our clothes were thrown to the floor. I remained sitting on top of him, nothing but our bare bodies flush against eachother. He guided my hips to him, before I lowered myself until he entered me. A cry of pleasure escaped me as he filled me, slowly guiding his hips up to meet mine. I couldn't contain the noises of euphoria that were escaping me as Graizen's hands reached up to my chest.

"You're beautiful. Every inch of you."

I couldn't hold myself up any longer as my body met Graizen's chest. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, then quickly flip us over. My back was no against the bed, staring up into his silver eyes.


I called out his name as his body met mine once again. I wrapped my legs around his waist, allowing him to fill me more. I could never get enough of him, never feel enough of him as his lips ran along my neck. His hands found my chest once more, earning a moan to fill the room. I never wanted this moment to end. I wanted to connect with him in the deepest ways as I pressed my lips to him. We both reached our release together, calling out each other's names softly. Both of us caught our breath as we stared up at the dark ceiling. Graizen's hands were tracing my skin as reality set in.

"What are we going to do about Inferno?" I turned my head up at him.

"Honestly, Thia." He looked down into my eyes. "No damn clue." 

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