Prince Izana X Reader

Start from the beginning

A few days later, you had wandered into the hospital wing and ran into a young girl with bright red hair. She gasped as she saw me, apologizing. You remember Izana saying something about a girl with red hair just the other day... what was her name again?
"I'm sorry, my name is Y/N. I came to the castle with Prince Izana, and I haven't gotten familiar with the grounds yet. I suppose you could say I'm a bit lost..."
"Oh, I see! It's nice to meet you, Y/N, my name is Shirayuki. I'm a court herbalist apprentice here."
You hummed, impressed, "Do you have a moment to spare to show me around? I don't know much about herbs, but I've always loved flowers."
"Oh! Then I'll show you the garden, this way!"
You gasped lightly as she went off quickly towards the garden as she spoke, and you quickly followed close behind.
You walked silently until she introduced you to the gardens, a wide range of space coated in all types of flowers and herbs that she probably came to daily to inspect and pick for medicines. You walked through slowly, smiling as you gazed at them all - most were fresh and kept well - and the smell was more than refreshing, giving you the sense of freedom that you loved.
"Oh, Ryu!"
You turned your head towards a small boy as he approached Shirayuki and you.
"This is Ryu, a court herbalist here as well! He's only twelve, amazing isn't it?"
"Yes, quiet." You kneeled down to be level with the boy, "Hello, Ryu. My name is F/N L/N, of the Gryffin kingdom."
His eyes widened, "You mean... the kingdom of dragons?"
You sweat dropped but decided to go with it, "Yeah, that's the one!"
"You mean- it isn't just a story?!" Shirayuki gasped, "Oh- I'm so sorry that was rude! I-it's an honor to meet you Princess! I can't believe it!"
You giggled, standing straight again, "No need to get so flustered, please treat me as a friend."
"Yes, Princess!"
Oh dear.


Early in the morning a week later, Izana walked in on me eating messily what you whipped up in the kitchen only minutes before. He looked like he'd just woken up, and you swallowed hastily, asking him if he wanted any. He cringed, walking past you to grab a slice of bread, asking you what you were eating.
You giggled and told him it was lettuce, tomatoes and boiled eggs drizzled in oil and vinegar, then sprinkled with salt and pepper, sided with fried cheese and bread.
He sat down beside you, staring at you and then to your food, before picking up a fork and reluctantly trying some.
"Huh, not as bad as I thought."
"See, it's good." You shoved the last bit of your fried cheese and bread sandwich in your mouth, "Much better than what I used to eat during the war."
"I would assume anything would taste better than anything you could have had in war."
You hummed in agreement, "The pressure of war made everything taste the same, really. Like mashed potatoes."
His eyes lingered on you for a while, before he took another fork full and you ate a mini breakfast together in silence. Afterwards, you accompanied Izana to the training grounds, and watched him practice swords man ship silently for a while. Watching him had you thinking about the war, how much you practiced, and how different your harsh training was compared to how peacefully he practiced now, completely uninterrupted.
You remember how your father used to yell, to train you harder than any man, so that no matter what you would be able to protect yourself and fight for your kingdom on your own. It's like he knew, that he would die and his men would die and you would be the only one left... that's probably exactly what he wanted, too.
"Oh, I apologize Prince Izana." You quickly said, snapping out of it as you turned to the prince.
He sighed, "Care to spar with me?"
You rose a brow, "Oh~ well, only if you can handle being defeated."
He chuckled, "We'll see."


You were more than excited for the day of the open gates, the oncoming festival had your heart beating fast, and you finished more work with your kingdom back home than you had planned to before in hopes you could spend the whole day off without worry, to have fun with the people.
You dressed well and had a maid help you do your hair nice, before running out to the join the crowds.
You took the little bit of money that Lord Haruka gave you from Izana and went around the booths set up. You held onto the money tightly, not wanting to spend it all on anything useless.
Instead, for a while you danced with the children as a group of men played on wind instruments, and painted the stone walk way with brightly coloured chalk. By the time the sun began to set and people were eating, some of the other booths had cleared a bit, and you found one with jewels. One caught your eyes, a particular brooch of a sapphire stone outlined in silver. It was mesmerizing, and reminded you of a certain some ones eyes.
You smiled lightly, paying for it before heading back to the castle in hopes to find a good place to sit.

You were preparing your lantern when Lord Haruka approached you from behind. He looked angry as usual, but you ignored it as he stepped up beside you and gave you a stern glance.
"Is something on your mind?" You asked.
"Do you really think that Prince Izana has taken so much a liking to you that he will keep you around forever? Do you believe you're his friend?"
"I don't know. He's never told me anything directly, what do you think, Lord Haruka?" You asked, making sure there were no scratches or holes on your lantern before reaching for a match to light it.
He stiffened, "I want to know exactly what you expect from him. What you think you deserve from him after all he's given you already."
You laughed lightly, once your lantern was lit, you gave it a small push and watched it fly up into the night sky with the others.
"I don't expect anything from him. To be honest, I've been so focused on work for the future of my own kingdom. One day, we both might be separated for good, allies but nothing more and never to lay eyes on each other again." You exclaimed, slowly turning your eyes to Haruka as he narrowed his gaze to you, "After three years of war, Lord Haruka, I think it's best that you don't think too much into such trivial matters. Izana and I, whether we're friends or not, I respect him and I believe he respects me as well. Also, the belief that people get what they deserve is flawed, the belief that certain people deserve more than others is also flawed. It doesn't matter what we deserve and what we don't. Take life as it comes, learn from it, and flourish."
He opened his mouth to say something else, but his words seemed to catch in his throat.
You smiled as you turned back to the beautiful sight before us, "Now for just one night Lord Haruka, be at peace with the lights dancing in he sky."
He sighed, taking a step up beside you and looking up to the sky with you, "Alright." He mumbled.


Yay!!  I know it's kind of a shit ending but whatever
You got Lord Harukas approval so be happy
Lettuce, tomatoes, boiled eggs drizzled in olive oil with salt and pepper is sooo gooddd it's like a salad but served laid out on a plate instead of put into a bowl
Also the fried cheese thing - please tell me at least one person has also just dumped cheese in a pan and fried it and ate it.
It's good.
It's bad for you, I know. But it's sO good.

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