Team's reaction to Drake, Andrew's reaction to being outed

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Hiii. I love these books!!! SO MUCH!!! I was wondering how the rest of the team reacted to the news about Drake and the twins? Did any of them try to reach out to Aaron or Andrew afterward, or go to Aaron's trial? How did Andrew feel (when he could process it) about everyone suddenly knowing about the horrible things that had happened to him?

First: Yay!! Thank you! I'm really glad you liked them!!

Second: YIKES

That's not really an appropriate summary for the Foxes reaction, but YIKES is the most coherent thing right now, because imagine being Matt, imagine being Dan, imagining getting a call from Wymack saying I'm on the way to Columbia, saying There's been a problem, saying No practice on Monday, there are police involved, saying Andrew has been hurt and he is not okay.

Imagine the edge in Wymack's voice, the do I say or don't I say, the how much is too much, the what will the press tell them before I do

Imagine finding out that this so-called impenetrable monster has been attacked, has been raped?? by family??

There is nothing in the world that could've braced the Foxes for this

Renee knows as soon as she hears it that it's true, she knows that it is not the first time, because she can't have been Andrew's friend for this long without realizing this is the impossible missing piece of the mystery that is Andrew Minyard and his incalculable issues

but for Dan & Matt & Allison this is a world of what the fuck and no way and stop fucking lying Coach

And honestly it's a really good thing they have a day or so to recover from the initial shock, to bounce this horrific truth amongst themselves before they have to receive Andrew's broken group and be emotional and psychological support

They waited until the monsters returned from Columbia before trying to offer a helping hand, and in the aftermath they decided to leave Aaron to Katelyn's care ((and asked Katelyn to tell them if Aaron needed additional support)). They did not do anything extra for Andrew when he finally returned because they decided as a collective not to intervene

The Foxes did not attend the trial because Aaron flat out told them they were not allowed to go – this was Aaron's call, but made on Andrew's behalf, because at some point Andrew was going to end up in the witness stand and two lawyers were going to cross examine him about Drake and abuse and rape and all these horrible things, and Aaron did not want the Foxes to be a part of this. Neil and Nicky were the only ones in attendance

((even Kevin was banned, because Andrew was supposed to be an anchor for Kevin, and how could Andrew be an anchor if he had been so thoroughly unmoored))

((tbh Andrew didn't want Nicky there either but Aaron didn't tell him to stay away so Nicky showed up and cried his eyes out in the first row))

This is the absolute last thing Andrew wanted, was for other people to know this about him, to know that he was "weak", to know that he'd "been bested", to share these "rotten" details of himself with strangers & friendlies alike. He hates that this became public; he would have gone to the grave with these tragedies if he could have

(((((( a PSA for all of this is that if you are hurt, if you are being hurt, if you have been abused, I do not want to say YOU HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO YOURSELF TO SPEAK UP because DO WHAT IS RIGHT BY YOU AND YOUR SITUATIONS but do not be afraid to tell people, do not be ashamed, do not hold yourself back with that fucking useless it will be so embarrassing if people know about this excuse, because you deserve better, you deserve closure, you deserve the chance to air these wounds so they can heal ))))))

((((( I digress but goddamn )))))

TL;DR the Foxes are completely blindsided and Andrew is as pissed off as an emotionally defunct major depressive can be

((imagine being Andrew and looking Roland in the face for the first time after this, after years of very cautious make-out sessions, imagine trying to be STRONG AND UNBREAKABLE and Roland going babe are you okay))

fml why do you let me drink and Ask this probably makes no sense whatsoever

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