Matt rooming with the monsters

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Matt seemes content with Neil as a roommate, so how does he take it when he suddenly has to live with Aaron and then even Nicky instead?

It takes some getting used to! It helps that the cousins have been getting a tiny bit better since Christmas & their mountain vacation, and it definitely helps that Andrew is distracted by Neil and Aaron has unrestrained access to Katelyn. Aaron doesn't spend much time at Fox Tower anymore, so Matt mostly has to contend with Nicky. He and Nicky get into loud nonsense arguments about music and movies, because they have so few overlapping tastes, but it's all in good fun. ((He does wish Nicky would keep the bathroom a little bit cleaner, though.))

The nice thing about Nicky & Matt living together is that Matt can be a calming influence on Nicky–Neil wondered once if Nicky exaggerated his boisterous nature to make up for his prickly cousins, and while Nicky is outgoing by nature Matt does help temper that a bit. Matt's closer to Nicky's age & has finally got his ducks in a row, and that helps Nicky a lot. They talk a lot about life & the future when Aaron's not around to interfere.

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