Who tops?

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If A/N ever get to the point of going the whole way, who would top, or would they switch?

Haha, they'll get there eventually, no worries. <33

For a while Andrew's going to have to top, because his issues are borders Neil doesn't yet have permission to cross. Neil is pretty good at working with what he's got, and he spends the time productively. He learns Andrew's body bit by bit, biding his time for when he can put it all together and take Andrew apart. Fucking Andrew isn't the solution, of course– it's not like one round of sex is going to heal every trigger– but it's a start. By the time Neil steps onto the court as captain for the first time they've pretty much found their footing with each other and are good either way.

((It was easier when Kevin was involved, because Kevin and Riko were a thing that used to have its good moments sprinkled throughout the psychotic violence. Kevin taught Neil everything he knew, and Neil taught Andrew everything he'd learned. With Kevin out of the picture, I needed a new way to give one of them the experience they needed to do something more than stare mindlessly at each other. Thus: Roland. I don't even remember if he had a name in the last drafts. If he did it was fleeting and unimportant.))

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