Neil through the Foxes' eyes

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So through the series we see things from Neil's perspective, but how do the foxes see Neil?? In book three Nicky(?) asks who is humanizing who in Neil and Andrew's relationship. Does Neil come across in the same way Andrew does to them? (Only less violent?)

I think Nicky was the closest to putting into words the Foxes' opinion of Neil: that he reminded them of a stray tom cat. Not quite sure where he stood with them, but always lurking around just out of reach in case he decided he wanted the company. A little lot bit distrusting at times, maybe a little ragged around the edges from one too many fights, but too stubborn to sit quietly and play nice. That cat that hides under the stoop and stares at you like Can I please come home with you but who turns tail and runs as soon as you try to befriend it.

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