When Neil's overwhelmed

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are there times when neil gets overwhelmed, not like a panic attack but feeling like everything is just too much for him to handle? does he experience this often and if yes, what does andrew do to help him?

Neil's sophomore and junior years are a bit rough off & on, because he's dealing with being vice captain and then captain, with the added stresses of the ongoing FBI investigation, Jack & Sheena's antagonism, and the girls' graduation, but Andrew is not the one to walk him through it – Neil gets most of his support from Kevin and Matt. Kevin is a sounding board for on-court issues, and Matt helps keep the Foxes in line. ((His unquestioning deference to Neil on the court helps solidify the idea that Neil calls the shots around here)) Matt's more likely than anyone to ask You good? when the little Foxes aren't in earshot. By spring of Neil's junior year he's doing much better.

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