What if Kevin was killed?

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Awhile ago you told us what Neil would have done if Andrew was killed by Ichirou. I was wondering what would have happened if Kevin was killed instead?? Would there be any war path that Neil and/or Andrew would walk?

tbh it's hard to consider this scenario because Kevin isn't as.. expendable? If Ichirou shook the board clean and started over, Kevin is the last one he would drop in the trash. There was too much money riding on Kevin's unexpected recovery & too much power in his name. Neil was a maybe-pro, and Riko was a definitely-pro, and Andrew was a who-knows pro, but Kevin could still make money on or off the court no problem. Not to mention Kevin was someone Ichirou could have broken under the weight of the Moriyama threat, so Kevin was controllable.

Neil's warpath aka complete self-destruction & loss of everything that ever mattered to him was made possible only because Andrew was no longer in the picture — losing Andrew meant that nothing else was important enough to keep. If Kevin was murdered and Andrew was still alive, then going after Ichirou in Kevin's name would put a target on Andrew's back. Avenging Kevin would mean killing Andrew.

Same for Andrew with Neil – and Neil would lean on that loophole as hard as he needed to keep Andrew safe ((Andrew promised Kevin he could stay at PSU, and that he'd stand between Riko & Kevin. He never promised to protect him from the main family. Andrew didn't break any promises by not being fast enough to stop Ichirou))

That doesn't mean they'd just duck their heads and do what they were told, but their mutiny would be so subtle and so careful that it'd be insignificant in the long run. It'd be easier for Neil to live up to his fullest & to honor Kevin's memory & expectations that way.

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