Foxes' favourite ice cream flavors

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On a completely unrelated note to my other message: what flavors of ice cream do Andrew and his groups like? Kevin seems like a strawberry kinda guy (in lieu of there not being a pineapple flavor) and Neil feels decidedly vanilla but I can't be sure.

I'm anti-strawberry ((anti-berry in general, tbh)) ((anti-erry, I tell people, because ya gotta include cherries in that hatred)) ((I digress already)) so it's hard for me to assign that as anyone's favorite flavor. ((I was super proud of myself for making Kevin like pineapples because I am not a fan of them and I was like YES NORA THINK OUTSIDE THE COMFORT ZONE))

The sad thing is I actually had some of their ice cream flavors listed in the last draft, and then I cut it out at the last minute when I went through snipping unnecessary text. I was like no one is gonna give a fuck what ice cream they're buying, move it along nora, so it got trashed. so heyyy I actually have the answer to this question in a file somewhere. :D

When Nicky picked up pints for everyone, he got Andrew whichever one looked like it had the highest sugar content (()), cookie dough for himself, mint chocolate chip for Aaron, vanilla bean for Kevin, and espresso for Neil. I can see Neil liking vanilla too because Neil likes boring plain things. ((jk Neil. vanilla ice cream > chocolate ice cream))

((peanut butter anything > EVERYTHING))

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