Foxes' taste in music

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I have to ask something you can't possible make painful. What kind of music does each fox listen to?

Nicky likes EDM, Renee prefers epic orchestral pieces a la Two Steps From Hell. Matt likes loud rock e.g. Three Days Grace. Seth favors NIN & Disturbed, but he and Matt overlapped on a couple bands.

I can see the girls having an impromptu singalong to Bad Blood while chillin' in their room, but pop is more Dan & Allison's thing. Dan also loves Nickelback ((bc idc what people say about 'em, Nickelback is fun)). Kevin likes classical. Andrew will listen to anything that's too loud to think to.

Aaron & Neil?? Who knows. :D

Music is one of the last things I ever sort out for characters, and nine times out of ten I don't even bother. I have more fun assigning songs to characters than deciding a character's musical preferences, tbh. If I could get away with making them all country fans ya'll know I would. :P

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