Proust and Andrew

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I'm so going to regret this. Proust? Did he, what, uh.

Oh, Proust.

Did he–

Did he what?

Did he tape every session and send copies to Riko in case Riko needed extra ammunition down the line?

Did he use drugs on Andrew to ensure his own relative safety, to skew Andrew's take on things should any of this come back to him, to get Andrew so off balance and/or out of his head that he could more easily get the reactions and responses he wanted?

Did he have access to everything Riko's associates could dig up on Andrew's past, all of the rumors about his foster families, all of the secrets they were able to buy or drug out of those failures of parents, all of the transcriptions from Riko's conversations with Drake?

Did he sign off on restraints for Andrew during the worst part of Andrew's rehab, claiming Andrew was a danger to himself and everyone around him while he was going through withdrawal? Did he know to go into that room and put his hands on Andrew when Andrew couldn't fight back, couldn't move except to pull those bindings tighter?

Did he know about the scars on Andrew's wrists, and did he know just how hard to bite them so they would bruise? Did he know how to mark them and ruin them, to taint a symbol of survival and choice with the new memories Andrew would always carry of him?

Did he know that Jesse liked to choke Andrew during sex so Andrew couldn't wake anyone else up? Did he know Samuel used to whisper you fucking like this, you stupid fucking whore I know you wanted this? Did he know Steven made him say Please?

Did he know Andrew was ticklish? Did he know what Drake did with that knowledge and how he used Andrew's own body against him? Did he reenact it whenever Andrew was being difficult and uncooperative?

Did he learn what Andrew looks like on the verge of a panic attack and the ferocity Andrew fights with when he's clawing back from that dangerous edge? Did he see the look in Andrew's eyes when the knife went a little too deep, connecting one psychological scar to another and blurring the lines between them?

Did he violate Andrew? Physically, emotionally, psychologically?

Did he what?

Whichever question you meant to ask, the answer is yes.

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