How did Andrew and Wymack end up handcuffed together?

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Hello :) I wanted to say that I love, adore and worship your books <3. They gave mo so much feelings and I can't stop thinking about Neil and Andrew, and Kevin and all other Foxes - they captured my heart. Sorry if it was asked before, but I'd love to know how exactly did Andrew and up handcuffed to cach Wymack? And, I'm really, really interested in what happened in Andrew's head since Neil was kidnapped to when he saw him at the hotel <3

Thank you so much for taking a chance on the Foxes! I'm really glad you enjoyed the books ;_; <3

Andrew ended up handcuffed to Wymack because Andrew was being problematic. He kept getting in the FBI's way, tried walking out to look for Neil on his own, and almost took a swing at Kurt when Kurt tried to stop him. Wymack intervened in the nick of time, hauling Andrew back by the collar of his shirt. After that Wymack was deemed Andrew's babysitter, and they were handcuffed together so someone would have eyes on Andrew at all times. Unfortunately for Andrew, that meant he had to go with Wymack when Wymack moved the team bus out of the hotel parking lot, so he missed Neil's return.

The in-between of the riot & the hotel was mostly quiet after Andrew's first attempt to choke the life out of Kevin. Andrew finally had answers, and while he knew they weren't all the answers, he was busy putting together every scrap Neil had told him with everything Kevin had given up under duress. There was nothing else to do for the ride to Baltimore, so he thought about Neil and that promise and that number on Neil's phone, that dead look on Neil's face that said he'd known this was coming, and tried to figure out why the fuck hadn't Neil run

Andrew spent so much time trying to figure out Neil that he didn't–perhaps on purpose?–waste a second figuring out why he was so, soangry. Maybe he should've. It might've helped soften the blow when he stormed into the hotel and saw Neil again.

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