Thanksgiving and the Foxes

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What do the foxes do for Thanksgiving? (during their college years)

The girls only have one year left, so Allison will go home to Renee's foster mother, and Dan will spend it with Matt & his mother. Dan & Matt are going to get married soon and they both know it, and although Dan's met Matt's mother Randy several times before and is fiercely fond of her, it seems a nice start to spend a family holiday with her future mother-in-law. Her stage sisters miss her, but they are also crazy happy that she's happy, so. ((Good friends, those Starlets :D ))

The monsters will continue doing what they did in Raven King, and spend Thanksgiving Day with Wymack & Abby. After Andrew's lot graduates and it's down to just Neil & Robin, Neil leaves campus for the first time and goes to Robin's house. Andrew is also invited, and although it is a pain in the ass to travel at Thanksgiving he actually shows up. Robin's told her parents enough about Neil & Andrew that her parents sort of know what to expect, and they attempt not to take Andrew's lack of social graces personally. On the bright side, Andrew doesn't go out of his way to be rude to them, so that helps.

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