Neil's fondest memory of Andrew

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What's Neil's fondest memory of Andrew?

That's a difficult one, because Neil has a lot of memories of Andrew that he likes. A hand on his collar and key in his palm and Stay, or Andrew's hands on his face in a hotel room in Baltimore, or Andrew carefully wrapping him up at Fox Tower so his bandages will stay dry, or Andrew shoving matching arm bands at him like they're an afterthought, or Andrew letting Neil declare that Andrew likes him and leaning into a kiss at Evermore.

Or maybe it's seeing Andrew take initiative and let Robin into their group, proving that he's outgrowing his shell enough to take in another refugee, or him making her move into their room and then having to share Neil's bunk so she has a place to sleep.

Or maybe it's Andrew telling Neil they're going to be living together by telling Neil the decorating is his problem if he wants more than two chairs and a bed, or the first time Neil gets home from a run and finds the cats curled up in bed with Andrew, or the first time Andrew lets a teammate have it when they're not pulling their weight on the court, or Andrew's hand on the back of his neck when they take home gold at Olympics.

Or maybe it's the moment Andrew looks at Neil and says It's just yes so Neil can stop asking him if what they have is okay.

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