Why is everyone so short?

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hello! i don't mean to be offensive, but why did you decide to make the twins and neil so short? what i mean to say is, in our times men are considered to be short when they're about 175 cm/5' 9''... like, you could still get your point across even if the twins were about 165cm/5' 5'' and neil was 170cm/5' 7''... sorry, i don't mean to be rude!!!

Haha, don't worry, it's not a rude question. I've seen more than a few baffled comments on the decision to make them so small. Unfortunately I don't have a legitimate answer for you, unless "They just are" is ever accepted as an excuse...

Are they short? Yep. Is there a logical reason behind it? Nope! They've just always been tiny and I've never wanted to change it. But perception comes in to play here, too, because I don't consider 5′5″ or 5′7″ to be short. To me, "short" is anything 5′4″ and under. Neil at 5′7″ would feel like a giant to me!

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