Wanting nothing vs not wanting anything

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I've noticed there's a shift with Andrew whenever Neil brings up that he's nothing, like in the scene where Neil first gives Andrew his altered version of a backstory and then when they're sitting on the rooftop before their first kiss. Why is that? Thank you!

So I've been sitting on this for ages, hoping I'll figure out a good way to explain it, and all this time later I'm still coming up blank. It's hard sometimes to put words into Andrew's thought processes? So I'm sorry that I made you wait so long and still have almost nothing to show for it.

Neil comes the closest, I think, when he says this:

Neil had seen this look on Andrew's face once before, when he and Andrew called a truce in Wymack's living room last summer. Neil fed him half-truths to buy his acceptance, but it wasn't vague descriptions of his parents' crimes and deaths that got through to Andrew. It was his bone-deep jealousy of Kevin, his loneliness and desperation. After everything they'd been through these last few months, Neil finally knew what this look meant. The darkness in Andrew's stare wasn't censure; it was perfect understanding. Andrew had hit this point years ago and broken. Neil was hanging on by a fraying thread and grabbing at anything he could to stay afloat.

This is Andrew seeing Neil, seeing Abram, seeing Nathaniel – this is Andrew seeing himself

This is Andrew looking into a black hole and realizing he's already passed the event horizon.

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