Does Andrew get protective/ possessive?

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As Andrew's and Neil's relationship starts getting stronger and they have been together more time as a couple, does Andrew get more protective/possessive over Neil or does he start trusting Neil more when it comes to not do stupid things?

For the most part he trusts Neil not to up & die on him, because having the Moriyamas and the FBI watching out for your well-being seems like kind of an airtight survival program. Besides, Neil's got too much to live for now – he's not likely to take stupid risks without running it past Andrew first.

That doesn't stop Neil from getting into fights on the court now and again, though, because Neil and his mouth aren't retiring anytime soon. Andrew lets Neil stick up for himself, in part because it's too far from the goal to wherever Neil's just pissed his latest opponent off, but if they swing a little too hard he will retaliate by rebounding every ball he gets for the rest of the game at their head & feet.

If Neil were to get in a fight off the court, though, Andrew would definitely intervene and settle things for him. ((Jack was a different story, because Jack was a dominance fight that had to happen)) Neil comments on it the first time, but Andrew ignores him in favor of checking Neil's split lip, and Neil opts to find it endearing rather than a slight against his questionable fighting skills.

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