Andrew's thoughts on Neil's sexuality

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Nooorraa, so we in the CHEL bookclub have been disusing all the talk abt Neils sexuality in tfc and i was wondering what Andrews thoughts on the topic were.. we know he was hoping the whole thing was from his drugs but was there any part of him that even wondered a little about Neils side of the whole thing/whether he was actually straight.. idk where im going with this but I'm sure you can pick up from here xD

Andrew was fairly certain Neil wasn't straight, for the same reason Nicky was certain–the way Neil interact with/looked at the girls was just too... oblivious? disinterested? passive? If he took Neil's word for it, Neil was ace. If he trusted Nicky's big mouth & unrelenting optimism, Neil was possibly in denial over being gay. Andrew was inclined to side with Nicky if only because of the intensity with which Neil reacted to him & Kevin.

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