If Neil had chosen Dan & Matt over Andrew

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What WOULD Andrew feel/do if Neil chose Dan and Matt over him?

He wouldn't cut Neil loose, but Andrew would relegate Neil to the same sideline he put Aaron on. Technically he only promised Neil a year, so he's free to put on Neil-blinders and go about his business.

Neil gave Andrew an anchor and a focal point for his life, something worth fighting for and waking up for. If you take that away from him, then there's nothing else, and Andrew's learned yet again that it's not worth the effort to want anything. He'd shut down emotionally, and no one would have the key to open him up again.

Once his little group finally graduated & went about their lives & freed him from the responsibility of looking out for them, he'd be done with all of this and them. He'd be adrift, counting down the seconds of existence like he always had.

Chances are he'd end up in Columbia, working with Roland at Eden's Twilight. Surviving, but not living, not really, and going home alone to a house in Columbia with only drinks for company.

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