Reaction to the kidnapping

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Could you give a bit of insight to what it was like from the Foxes POV when Neil was kidnapped during the riot (how they reacted, how they found out, etc.)? (Thanks for answering my previous asks btw! c: )


Characters: Wymack, the Foxes (except Neil), Abby (very briefly).

(First time trying to actually write on my phone and not just RP. We shall see how that goes ...)

It took far too long for Andrew to finally catch a glimpse of that bright orange and when he did, it brought a sense of dread rather than relief. He lowered his phone from his ear and snapped it shut. There was no point letting it ring; no one was going to pick up. He could see the tiny green light flashing on Neil's phone, and Neil himself was nowhere in sight. The crowd had mostly dispersed, but there were a few stragglers milling about, the aggression not entirely rioted out of their system. Andrew had to shove a few of them out of his way to get to Neil's bag, something that he did with perhaps more strength than was strictly warranted to get them out of the way.

He reached and stood over Neil's duffel, eyes scouring the parking lot around him. By the time he found Neil's racket, it felt like his blood had turned to slush in his veins.

"Andrew," Renee said, appearing at his elbow, but then she noticed the bag at his feet. "Is that Neil's?"

Alarm made her voice too loud. He didn't answer her - he didn't need to: The name JOSTEN was printed in big, bold letters on the side. He leaned down, grabbed the strap and slowly straightened up. Renee studied his face carefully. Andrew returned the stare. She looked worn and anxious.

"Still no sign of him?" she asked, hopeful despite the obvious answer written in every tense line of Andrew's shoulders and arms. Her face fell when he didn't answer. "Coach asked me to get everyone to the bus."

Andrew wasn't going to stop looking for Neil, but he wasn't going to tell her that. She obviously knew what he intended to do anyway, because she shook her head.

"Coach was talking on the phone," she said, "maybe he has news. I did hear him ask 'where?' just before he sent me. For all we know, Neil could be at the police station."

She didn't say or at the hospital, but they both heard it anyway. Andrew took the few steps that separated the bag and Neil's fallen racket and picked it up. Renee waited to make sure he was following her, then made her way back to the team's bus.

Andrew walked behind her, staring down anyone who looked at them too long, eyes otherwise roaming around in hope of catching a glimpse of auburn hair and a bright orange jersey. It shouldn't have been so hard to find, really.

When they reached the bus, Wymack was waiting for them by the door. He looked angry, but relaxed visibly when he spotted Andrew behind Renee.

"I couldn't find Matt," Renee told their coach.

"Dan's got him," he said, jerking his thumb towards the bus. "We're all here."

"Neil too?"

"This will be faster if I just explain once." Wymack saw what Andrew was carrying. "Got his gear, good. Get on, I'll explain."

Abby was sitting behind the wheel and she attempted a pale smile when Renee got on, the tail of which fell on Andrew as he reached the top of the three steps and started down the aisle. Wymack closed the door behind them and took position at the front of the bus, watching his team as they raucously demanded to know what was happening and where Neil was. Abby started the bus and eased out of the parking space. Andrew had just drawn level with Kevin's seat when Wymack began, stopping him short.

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