"I won't let you let me be"

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Nora can I ask you something? What mean this phrase: "I won't let you let me be"? I've read another time the king's men bit i haven't understood it. Can you help me?

This was actually harder to answer than I thought it would be, because I couldn't figure out the right words for what I was trying to say. If this doesn't make sense, please let me know.

The first time Andrew says "I won't let you let me be" it is because Neil's indecision over Andrew's kiss is forcing Andrew to make a choice: take that lack of a rejection as a yes, or back the hell off until Neil makes up his mind. If Andrew takes what he wants simply because Neil hasn't outright rejected him, he's no better than those who wronged him before. I won't let you let me be like them; I won't let you turn me into the bad guy with your passive response.

Neil uses it on Andrew later mostly because Andrew & Neil have this thing about using each other's words to win arguments. Andrew putting Neil's hands on him and pretending it's okay is not a yes, it's the fakest I'm okay with this he could have managed. It puts him in the same role Andrew was once in: pretend he doesn't see that this is a problem and proceed, or retreat until later.

Neil chooses to back down, and by throwing Andrew's words back at him he reminds him that they are better than this, that they deserve better than this from each other, that he is not going to be like everyone who hurt Andrew before just because Andrew's making it easy for him to fall into that role.

Does that help at all?

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