On "accidentally" sitting in laps

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First of all, let me start with the fact you are so sweet and amazing and I just have the need to tell you that, you are probably one of the nicest people ever to live + amazing writer. As for the questions, how frequently Andrew or Neil end up on the other's lap by accident/the other making it look like an accident? That questions sits in my head since the beanbag making out scene.

Oh, wow, my act is working! My RL peeps are probably rolling over in their graves at this sentiment, but I appreciate it ;D <3 <3 <3

For the first while, neither one of them is likely to play the Oops my mistake game, because Andrew and Neil are straightforward with each other as they work through their boundaries. When one of them sits on the other/climbs into the other's lap there's definite intent and invitation.

The years make them more casual, though. I know I keep going back to their cats for examples and excuses but I am trying to get my sister/roommate to bring us home a box of ten kittens so cats are on the brain but I'mma do it again: cat sleeping on the couch, taking up most of a cushion, and Neil ending up half-draped across Andrew because there's no room, Andrew like do you mind and Neil like oh, I was trying not to disturb King Fluffkins, were you here first?

((ya'll pet people, I know you have stories where you gave up priority seating/sleeping space to accommodate a pet. if my sister's cat is passed out in the middle of my bed when I'm ready to sleep I'm like "I guess I'm sleeping clinging to the edge of the mattress tonight whatev"))

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