What did Allison do with Seth's urn?

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What did Allison ever do with Seth's urn?

Allison kept it at Fox Tower the rest of her time at PSU. She originally planned to let him go after graduation, either by scattering his ashes somewhere she thought he'd like or finding a nice spot to bury the urn.

Once she figured out what she wanted to do with her life, though, she decided to hang onto him a little longer. His urn went with her while she was living in an apartment and slowly working her way back into her parents' good graces. Once she had access to their money and could buy herself a nice ((big)) house, she hired a groundskeeper to reshape the sprawling backyard into a garden/patio.

Seth's urn was built into the fountain that acted as the centerpiece. Whenever she and her husband fought she'd take a drink out and sit on the edge of the fountain to think or rant aloud. Her marriage helped give her a little bit of closure she didn't realize she was still waiting for–it showed her how she & Seth would've fared, because Seth and her husband were so much alike.

We wouldn't have worked, would we? We were no good for each other. But I loved you.

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