Andrew's reaction to Neil's bday blood

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So, I just reread the scene where Neil's dads people rigged that blood in his locker and I'm wondering about what was going through Andrew's mind? Like, it had to be at least a LITTLE bit interesting for him and then Neil's reactions-not really his reaction to his gear, which is predictable, but Neil's reaction to everything else. Andrew just feels very observant in this scene so I wanted to know what he was thinking about.

Honestly, Andrew found the team's reactions a little more interesting—of course the Foxes started gossiping about it as soon as they were out of the room, and Matt told them what he'd seen on the bathroom wall. Andrew watched them worry and wonder and then firmly realign themselves around a man who was very obviously lying to them about something very important. Andrew didn't have a high opinion of them to start with, but it dimmed a little bit more at how willfully naive they were. It was also an interesting heads-up that Wymack knew at least part of the truth; Neil hadn't told Andrew he'd started sharing with anyone else.

But Andrew in regards to Neil... Andrew had seen Neil crack a couple times before, but this was the first time he really saw Neil fracture, saw Neil fall apart & pull himself back together so quickly he should have cut them all on the jagged edges of his I'm fine.

His eyes said I'm dying, but his mouth said Let's play. Because Neil was watching his precious lies & alibis fall apart in front of the people that mattered most to him and Neil knew like Andrew did that things were escalating, but Neil was hellbent on making his stand at the Foxhole Court. Neil still trusted Andrew to protect him from whatever was coming, and he'd lie and he'd fight and he'd fake it for as long as he had to.

((and Andrew would keep the unwanted other half of his promise – to get the team to finals and a rematch against the Ravens. Andrew body-checked a Terrapin because the Foxes were slowing down and Neil needed them to win.))

((I wonder when Neil will realize he's the reason Andrew got so riled so quickly at Aaron when Neil dragged Tilda into the argument afterward. Neil trusted Andrew when his life was on the line, when people were obviously gunning for him and his survival depended on how quick Andrew was on the draw, and Aaron only believed Andrew's promises for all of a day.

"Because I made you a promise. I did not forget it just because you chose not to believe me. I did what I said I would do, and fuck you for expecting anything else." ))

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