Andrew's thoughts on Neil's binder

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What did Andrew think when he first saw Neil's binder shrine of Kevin and Riko?

Andrew had a couple ideas, though he wasn't sure which one to go with. The easiest suspicion was that Neil was one of Riko's associates. It all seemed so convenient, Janie trying to kill herself and then this know-nothing coming to their attention, this boy who went into fight-or-flight whenever Kevin looked his way, who was so stupidly intensely obsessed with Exy just like Kevin and Riko were, who was lying lying lying about anything and everything, who just happened to have the entire backstory of Kevin & Riko's public lives hidden away in his room. Andrew didn't know what Neil could be except another pet who'd been pressured to do Riko's dirty work. He definitely wasn't impressed with Neil's meticulous obsession either way.

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