Kevin's middle name & drink of choice

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Please tell me, Nora, does Kevin have a middle name? Or did Kayliegh decide to name him Japanese style with just first and last? Also what is Kevin's favorite alcoholic drink, when he's actually at the club getting drinks and not downing hard liquor to calm his poor nerves?

Kevin doesn't have a middle name. I don't really consider it to be Japanese style? It's uncommon around here to not have one, but I've gone to school with a handful of people who didn't have them. Vodka is Kevin's drink of choice, so anything with a vodka base. He can drink it straight if it's not the cheap stuff, and usually considers that the better route whenever possible because boy is pretending to count calories while knocking back bottles. Black russians are an easy go-to; sweeter concoctions like chocolate martinis are avoided.

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