Kevin & Andrew

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This back-story takes place roughly two years before the start of Foxhole Court, during the twins' senior year at Macon High School in Columbia, South Carolina. The Ravens offered Andrew a contract with them but were rejected. Now they've come in person to see why.

Apologies if it reads rough; the original version was from Andrew's POV and I rewrote it with the help of copious amounts of wine.

"Was that really what we came all the way down here for?"

It was a wonder he heard the words over the rest of the locker room chaos. Aaron's hands went still on his shoelaces and he looked up. The infamous Kevin Day had somehow elbowed free of the fawning Macon High Eagles and was crowding Andrew at his locker. Andrew's grin was ear-to-ear, but it was a toss-up as to what Andrew found more amusing: Kevin's stunning lack of survival instincts or Kevin's thinly-veiled rage.

"Three guesses and the first two don't count?" Andrew asked.

"Stop being obnoxious."

"Oh, I haven't even started being obnoxious yet. Wait a moment and you'll see." Andrew slung his racquet across his shoulders and wagged the butt of it in Kevin's general direction. "You know, you could have saved yourself an apoplectic fit or two if you'd listened when I told you I wasn't interested. Your stupidity is your problem, not mine."

"But yours is mine," Kevin said.

"I think he just called me stupid," Andrew said, wide-eyed with feigned shock. "Give me a moment to recover. I haven't felt this shamed in a long time." He tipped his head back against the locker and shushed Kevin when Kevin started to speak. "A moment, I said. Nice to see that hearing problem is an ongoing thing. One too many balls to the helmet, I think? You'll want to retire before it becomes permanent."

Kevin slammed a hand into the lockers a breath from Andrew's face. The locker room went silent; awkward tension replaced the excited atmosphere. The curious stares of their teammates was an unnerving weight on Aaron's shoulders and it was all he could do not to shrug it off. He risked a single glance back, searching for Kevin's other half, and found Riko on the far side of the room. Riko's easy smile was gone; he watched Kevin now through hooded eyes. Aaron dragged his attention back to his brother before Riko noticed the attention.

"You should be ashamed of the way you played tonight," Kevin said, low but angry. He was keeping his voice down to cut the rest of the Eagles out of their conversation, but Aaron was sitting just close enough to understand. "Tell me it's the medicine. Tell me you'll be better than this if we take you off these drugs."

"If you what?" Aaron asked, startled into speaking.

"Deaf and deluded," Andrew said, sounding delighted. "This isn't a ten-step program, you know. It's kind of a permanent thing."

"Not if we don't want it to be," Kevin said. "We can overturn the ruling."

"A couple signatures for the judge, a photoshoot with the lawyers—"

"Riko always gets what he wants. So do I."

"There's that Raven arrogance we've heard so much about." Andrew loosened his grip on his racquet enough to drop it and leaned forward into Kevin's space. He shaped his forefingers and thumbs into a frame and considered Kevin's face through it. "I've seen cheerleaders with more modesty. Does it help you sleep at night thinking you're better than everyone else?"

"How do you sleep when you're such a failure?" Kevin shot back.

Andrew tapped a finger to his temple. "I count sheep."

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