Neil's fight training

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How do Neil's fighting practices with Matt go? There's only one small mention of them so I wonder if it panned out. If it did, did Neil eventually start sparring with Renee and Andrew? I wanna know just how good at kicking ass my darling Neil is because the boy has GOT to win a fight at some point, right?

I nearly spit my wine out imagining Neil taking on Renee. She would beat the ever-living shit out of him in a tenth the time it took her to one-up Andrew. :D Girl is savage af beneath that chapstick smile.

Matt's lessons were how Neil was able to pop Riko in the face without breaking his thumb, but they don't really pay off until Neil's sophomore year, when Neil & Jack start clashing like Seth & Kevin used to. The first time Jack is stupid enough to actually take a swing at Neil, Neil knocks him on his ass before Dan can cross the court to them.

((Matt was so proud, though he had to be diplomatic on the court. He was all over Neil in the dorm later like YEAH THAT'S MY BRO))

((Coach sent everyone on laps because why the fuck did he sign up for these headaches is he a masochist or something like seriously why why why all this bullshit drama year after year goddamn))

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