David Wymack & the Monsters

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Here's a story (that took too long to write, for how short & rough it is) of how David Wymack meets Andrew's group. Takes place shortly after .

He caught up to them at Subway. The place was busy but not crowded, as the dinner hour had peaked an hour and a half ago. Andrew was the only one who noticed the arrival of one more body; he flicked an instinctive look David's way before turning back to the glass case in front of him. David Wymack stood off to one side, folder safely tucked one arm and hands in his pockets. He kept his eyes on the menu as if considering his options but tracked the cousins' progress in his peripheral vision.

Andrew was the first to peel away from the counter. He detoured to the nearest open booth, slid his tray across the table so recklessly it almost slid off the edge and onto one of the seats, and carried his empty cup to the drinks station. As soon as he turned away David helped himself to Andrew's table. He snagged the corner of Andrew's tray and pulled it back to a safe distance. By the time he looked up Andrew was already back, his plastic cup only a quarter full.

"Oh, perhaps I blinked," Andrew said with wide-eyed surprise. "I did not see you sitting here."

"I got here after you did." David cast a critical eye over Andrew's sandwich—bread, lettuce, and jalapenos? Seriously?—then pried open the bag of chips. He helped himself to one and arched a brow up at Andrew. "Get your drink and sit down."

"But I am no longer thirsty." Andrew set his cup to one side, plucked his chips from David's unresisting fingers, and dumped the bag onto the tabletop in front of David. A quick slap of his hand crunched most of the chips into unappetizing chunks. Andrew wiped his hand off on one jeaned thigh and sat opposite David. He gave the empty chip bag a considering look before dropping it on the floor. "Hello. I don't know you."

David leaned over, scooped the bag off the floor, and tossed it onto Andrew's tray. He glanced toward Nicholas and Aaron, who were eyeing him as they filled their cups. Aaron's stony expression wasn't promising, but Nicholas looked at least a little curious to see a stranger sitting with his wilder cousin. David turned back on Andrew, who was still watching him with a too-wide smile on his face.

"You're Andrew Minyard," David said, and rattled off Andrew's statistics from memory.

The numbers were impressive, especially considering Andrew only had two seasons' experience with the Macon High Eagles, but Andrew waved it off with a flick of his fingers. It wasn't modesty; it was apathy. Andrew took no pride or satisfaction at being first-ranked goalie in the southeast. Coach Felder had said it, but David didn't believe it until he had seen Andrew play. Andrew defended his goal like it was a minor inconvenience.

"I know all that," Andrew said, and pressed again. "I don't know you."

"I'm your new coach."

"Felder is quitting?" Andrew mimed scrubbing tears from one eye. "Alas, how sad, I'm sure an outcry was heard across the state! Ah, but I lie. No one will actually miss him. But odd timing, yes, to quit this time of year? And odd of you to waste your time with me. I am a senior, you see, and they are desperate to let me graduate. You would perhaps have better luck playing hello-how-are-you with the underclassmen. They will still be here next year. Good luck and goodbye."

David ignored the pointed dismissal. "Why don't you shut up for a moment and let me explain?"

"Hey, man." Nicholas had finally caught up to them. "We don't want any trouble, yeah?"

"Isn't that a first for you?" David asked. "What I've heard, you three attract trouble like you need it to breathe."

"You a cop?"

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