Their road trips

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if Neil and Andrew traveled for a getaway together, where would they go?

Anywhere, honestly, they're not exactly picky. They're going for the sake of going, for the calming silence of the road and the world unfurling around them. Watertower towns or beach fronts, mountain bridges or hectic cities, it's all the same. Neil just wants to observe life, and Andrew goes where Neil goes. Most of the time they just pick places off the map that are certain distances from wherever they are currently.

Years down the road they'll slowly retrace Neil's path across the United States, although Neil didn't think he ever would have the strength for it. They collect his mother's money, and Neil collects his memories. He's told Andrew about the places he's been but here in the cities and towns he can tell Andrew about his mother, about the little idiosyncrasies of each place he'd almost forgotten, about the oddball neighbors around the corner or the dog that always barked at him when he walked past the fence.

((He gets a call from the FBI later, because he gave them his list of cities. They want to know why he's going back to these places so much time later. It's an unwelcome reminder that they are still watching him, no matter how long it's been since he gave them all the answers he thought they wanted. Neil is tense for a week afterward.))

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