Andrew and the bed issue

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So, does it not matter to Andrew that there is someone in his bed when he shares with Neil? Like, I would figure that he'd have times when he'd wake up and just feel the weight of another person behind him and lose it before remembering it was Neil. How many times does Neil accidentally get hit from Andrew waking up/being woken up?

Andrew reacted violently to waking because people were stupid enough to wake him up by touching him–not that they had a choice when his medication cycle had him crashing so deep. So unless Neil rolls over in the middle of the night and flops onto him ((unlikely, because Neil tends to be a still sleeper– spent too long sharing a bed with his mother)), Andrew's not likely to break his nose unintentionally.

Getting used to Neil's weight does take some getting used to, but they've got a couple workarounds. It helps if Neil goes to bed first, or if they go to bed at the same time, so Andrew is conscious to judge the weight on the mattress. If Neil comes to bed later or has to get up for any reason, then that's definitely going to wake Andrew up.

The more useful tactic is how they sleep. Andrew puts his back to a wall and sleeps on his side, so technically Neil's not behind him–Andrew falls asleep facing Neil ((and, by extension, their bedroom)). If anything happens to jar Andrew awake, all he has to do is open his eyes to see that everything is okay.

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