Neil's looks post-book and relationship with his reflection

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Does Neil keep his natural hair color after Riko's death?? Does he still see his father in the mirror even with his face scarred now???

Neil keeps his natural hair color & eye color going forward, yes. After everything that happened in book 3, there's not a lot of point in hiding– everyone knows who he is, and the FBI & Moriyamas might assume he's up to something should he try to disguise himself again.

He'll always see a bit of his father in his reflection ((though yes, it's harder to see Nathan past the scars and burns on his face)), but he learns to be okay with it. His father is gone, and he is here, and he has everything he could ever want. It's revenge, or peace, or a comforting mix of the two, and for a while Neil learns to smile that vicious Fuck you at his father's face.

But give him enough time and he'll stop subconsciously looking for his father in his reflection. Enough years down the road with the Foxes and Andrew, enough years of living for himself, and he'll start seeing himself.

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