Does Neil crush on his teammates?

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Would Neil ever slightly crush on someone on his pro team? By crush I mean simply finding them attractive and take a few glances. And would Andrew notice?

Honestly, I can't see Neil getting a crush on anyone else? He might be able to distinguish aesthetically pleasing from not-so-good-to-look-at, but he's on the ace spectrum. Demisexual? Someone around here used this term for him a long while back, but I have had too much rum to remember which one of you lovelies brought it up. It's the perfect term for what I needed for him. Neil will never have a significant enough bond with his teammates to be attracted to them, at least in regards to crushes/sex/physical attraction etc etc etc. He might like them just fine, but they're just people to him.

((Honestly he would've had a better chance of crushing on the original Foxes, considering how tight that group was, but he was so head over heels for Andrew that there was no room to let anyone else in.))

But if it was a possible thing, hell yes Andrew would notice, Andrew watches Neil enough that it would've been glaringly obvious. But by the time they're on a pro team together Andrew would be so certain of his relationship with Neil that he'd probably just comment on how ugly the crush was, just to rile Neil up and dismiss his interest in one go.

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