Any other words he can't stand?

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Does andrew have any other words he can't stand? Also, I was reading the bit where the coach meets him for the first time. His strange sandwich got me thinking--what are his eating habits like?? And neil's for that matter.

Andrew's last trigger word is "family", which is why he's so quick to correct Nicky whenever Nicky wants to protest that they're family. "Family" is paperwork, is heavy hands and hot mouths and pain and hunger, is withheld meals and false hopes, is Tilda mistaking Andrew for Aaron and beating him black and blue. "Family" is a toxic excuse for things people put up with, a reason we accept the tragedies and inconveniences forced upon us.jesus please do not ask about Andrew's eating habits because his are the absolute worst?? like he lives off sugar whenever possible and hoards carbs like he needs them to survive. bread? pasta? pizza?? yeahhh. he didn't eat a lot of vegetables or fruits growing up so he still kind of side-eyes them and refuses to touch them unless it's unavoidable. meat is okay but not really a necessary part of his life, so if there are vegetarian options he'll choose them first ((though he's not technically a vegetarian? he just doesn't care that much for the taste of meat))

kid after my own heart I am an absolute slob when it comes to food

but spicy foods are also good, because Andrew is nothing if not a pile of contradictions

Andrew is a big fan of things he can eat in small bites, if he cannot eat in small bites he will make things into small bites e.g. the sandwich he shredded up in the Wymack & the Monsters side story. saying "he doesn't like making a mess" seems odd, considering he's taking this thing and making it into a thousand things, but eating manageable bites makes more sense than chomping at a hunk of food

Neil grew up eating a lot of leftovers, because his mother didn't like going out in public much on the run. She made a lot of soups, bought a lot of canned food, gathered ingredients she could use again & again ((e.g. beans and tortillas)). It's part of the reason Neil prefers fruits to vegetables – fruits were more accessible growing up, so Neil had more of them, whereas vegetables were a rare afterthought he never acquired a taste for.

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