Do they learn to talk to each other?

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I am going to regret this but.. What is an example of vicious things they have said to one another? How would either really be okay with the other saying things like that? I'm rather confused

"Vicious" was a strong word to use, but they are not afraid of jabbing each other's painful places – e.g. when Neil tossed Proust back in Andrew's face ((when Andrew said revenge was a waste of time)). Neil had already had it confirmed that Proust had hurt Andrew and that Andrew did not want to talk about it, but he called Andrew out on his supposed hypocrisy instead of biting his tongue.

The reason they can get away with it is because they understand the intent behind such conversations & accusations. Andrew and Neil are not out to hurt each other because it is fun or because they want to hurt the other; they jab at these sore spots because they need to be addressed. Andrew & Neil are very open with each other, and they're very good about communicating, which is a little bit funny considering Neil used to lie to Andrew with every other breath.

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