When He Tries To Escape - Jay

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🚨SPOILER ALERT🚨 ME THE AUTHOR OF AMELIA STONE AND NINJAGO BOYFRIEND SCENARIOS WILL APPEAR IN THIS CHAPTER TO SAVE JAY, ELSIE AND RAQUEL FROM NADAKHAN AS I TRY TO GET MY REVENGE ON HIM FOR WHAT HE DID TO JAY, AMELIA STACIE AND THE NINJA. Oh, and also I'm gonna try to kill Clancee because he's one of Nadakhan's goons but then I soon learn that he is not a bad guy as I spare his life and comfort him that I don't judge people for making stupid decisions to please their bosses. Enjoy the story, ladies and gentlemen and all of my spinners!

Me and Raquel except Elsie have not received many more wounds since yesterday and we only got a few more cuts, scrapes and bruises. Our bodies hurt and we are really starving and sleep is pretty much overrated right now. The only reason we are not dehydrated is because Clancee keeps sneaking down water for us.

Clancee: Here is some more water for you guys.
Jay: Thank you, Clancee!
Raquel: Obrigado, cara! (Thanks, man!)
Elsie: Clanc, you are my man, dude!
Clancee: I love kids! They make the world go round. I'm really sorry you three haven't gotten any food because every time I try to sneak some for you, I get caught and I end up making excuses for Nadakhan but he keeps seeing through my lies.
Raquel: Well, Clancee. You know how Nanny is sometimes when it comes to lying or hiding the truth from him. He can be a bit harsh and mean about certain things.
Elsie: Like how you have a huge crush on him, Auntie Raquel?
Raquel: No! I was talking about something different from that, Els.
Elsie: Yeah, right. Whatever.
Jay: Aunts and nieces nowadays. Anyway, you don't have to apologize for anything, Clancee. You have helped us out tremendously and you have kept us alive for the most part.
Nia: And I am very happy to see that my old best friend and new best friends are still alive and are a little injured. 🤕
Clancee: Huh? Who was that?

The four of us turn around to see that Nia has appeared inside of our unannounced as I see and recognize she still has that pure blonde hair from when we were kids and is wearing one of her father and uncle's uniforms with her double-edged sword and batons. Me and the girls quickly run to give her an huge hug and embrace.

Jay: Holy rabies! Holy rabies! Nia, you came back to save us! And I see that you still have that pure blonde hair from when we were kids, remember?
Nia: Yes, Jay. I remember.
Raquel: Holy guacamole! I didn't know you were coming to save us without even calling or sending a message.
Elsie: Ugh! Who cares, Auntie Raquel! Auntie Nia is here and that's all that matters right now, Auntie Nia?
Nia: Right, Elsie! So, what the hell happened to you guys? Why are you injured?
Jay: Raquel's boyfriend, Nadakhan is what happened to us and he had to keep us in line just to make us stay in our cell.
Nia: Oh, that spineless, treasonous and unforgivable fool, Nadakhan will pay for everything he has done to———YOU!

Nia growls at Clancee as she takes out her double-edged sword and points it towards his forehead getting ready to kill him.

Nia: Clancee! I should have known you had something to do with my best friends' kidnapping because if you were in on it with your boss, then that means you are going straight to hell, asshole!
Clancee: No! But, Nia, I can explain! I had nothing to do with this! I swear!
Nia: And I don't give a damn about what you need to say to me, creep! Now, hold still so I can put my glaive right through your insolent and imprudent skull!

Nia angrily says as she gets ready to stab Clancee in the head with her sword until me and the girls jump in and stop her from hurting him.

Jay: Nia, stop!
Nia: What do you mean 'stop', Jay? Clancee is the enemy along with his boss, Nadakhan and he must be destroyed for what he has done to us!
Raquel: Yeah, we know that. But, Clancee is a good guy now.
Nia: Wait, what? Really?
Elsie: Yeah! He has given us water to drink so we don't get dehydrated.
Jay: So, please put down your weapon and make amends with Clancee by reconciling things, Nia.
Nia: Okay. Whatever you say, Jay.

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