When One of His Brothers Fall For Her - Lloyd

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Lloyd: Hey, Amy. I'm gonna go buy us some custards, you know your favorite.
Amelia: Oooh! I love custards!
Lloyd: Oh, I know you do. That's why I'm gonna go get us a little treat. I'll be back in a minute.
Amelia: Okay. See you, sunshine.

Amelia says Lloyd kisses her on the cheek and leaves the monastery. Amelia decides to finish her training while Lloyd is out getting the custards for them. But, as she is about to get up from the sofa, Kai appears.

Kai: Training, seriously? Can't you think of anything else to do while Lloyd is gone?

Kai asks as he sits on the couch next to Amelia and stares at her with an evil grin on his face. Amelia uses her mind reading to see through his thoughts of what he was thinking and when she read it, she saw Kai on top of her and kissing her roughly.

Amelia: Oh my god! Kai likes me and I didn't even realize it! This is even more worst than my nightmare I had the other night when Lloyd wanted to take our relationship too far. But, why me? Why now?! He is such a pervert! Kai, what do you think you're doing?
Kai: I'm just here to help you pass the time.
Amelia: He is always so good at masking his emotions but now I know why he's getting closer to me.

Kai's hand touches Amelia's thigh but as she steps back, he comes more closer to her.

Kai: Come on, Amelia. I'm better for you. You know that, don't you?
Amelia: Kai, I appreciate the love and the respect. But, I already have a boyfriend who treats me better and he is your teammate and brother, Lloyd.
Kai: Oh, really? And how does Lloyd treat you?
Amelia: He doesn't make me feel uncomfortable.
Kai: Lloyd might treat you better but I'll make you feel better.
Amelia: Kai, please! This is sexual harassment!
Kai: I don't care because you sit back and take your mind off of things.
Lloyd: The only thing you need to take your mind off of is my girlfriend!

Amelia hears Lloyd's voice from behind when he glares at Kai.

Lloyd: Leave Amelia alone. She says you are making her feel uncomfortable.
Kai: Whatever, Lloyd. I was just making her feel comfortable while you were gone. Well, it looks like you passed, Amelia.

After Kai leaves, Lloyd comes up to Amelia and drags her to his room.

Lloyd: So, Amelia, what movie do you want to watch?
Amelia: You're not mad are you, Lloyd?
Lloyd: Of course not. I saw the whole thing when I walked. Your little sister, Emily was able to take a picture of it when Kai touched your thigh.
Amelia: Emily did what?!
Lloyd: Uh, nothing. But anyway, let's watch Jimmy Kimmel. I hear he's gonna be interviewing the Marvel and DC cast.
Amelia: Awesome! Hey, will he be interviewing Brie Larson too? (I didn't want to say this but Brie Larson is the best Captain Marvel ever! If you haven't watched the movie or Endgame, check it out.)
Lloyd: Why? Do you think she's the best out of all of them?
Amelia: Well, Lloyd Garmadon. She is the most coolest person ever so give her some credit.
Lloyd: What about me your boyfriend? Am I the most coolest person ever?
Amelia: Not if you sit down and watch Jimmy Kimmel with me.
Lloyd: Okay, deal.
Amelia: Now that's the Ninjago spirit!

(I'm sorry I didn't use Lloyd as someone to fall in love with but I feel like I had to use Kai again because he's just so brave, impatient, sweet and cute——What am I saying? No, no. I mean Tom Holland is cute because he is the best Spiderman! Or no, I think it's either Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield. I don't know which one but they're all the best!)

Amelia Stone: Ninjago Boyfriend ScenariosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon