When She Has A Nightmare

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Warning: ⚠️ Kai's scenario is similar to when Hans betrays Anna in which is a little dark and Lloyd's is depressing and dirty at the same time. ⚠️ So, on with the story shall we.

Angela is being carried by the Ninja and her sisters due to her losing blood from wound as it is very hard for her stay alert but she fails as she does so. Meanwhile, back in the training room, Kai with his parents and aunt discuss on how to rescue Angela.

Kai: I'm going out there to look for Angela.
Audrey: Kai, you cannot risk going out there.
Kai: If anything bad happens to her—
Maya: If anything happens to her, you are all her family has left.

With that, Amelia and the Ninja bust in carrying a wounded Angela.

Angela: Kai!
Kai: Angela! God, you're bleeding.
Angela: Kai, you have to patch me up and kiss me. Now! Now!
Kai: What? Whoa, slow down there!
Amelia: We'll give you two some privacy.

Amelia says as she and the others leave and close the doors.

Kai: What happened out there?
Angela: Skylor stabbed me in the gut.
Kai: You said she'd never hurt you.
Angela: I was wrong. Kai, it's getting bigger!
Kai: Angela, you're losing too much blood!

Kai picks Angela up bridal styles and lays her in a big comfy chair.

Angela: She and Master Chen kidnapped me so she could get to you but she did it by hurting me with one
of her daggers and it hurts really bad.
Kai: I can fix you up after I kiss you like you asked me to.
Angela: I know, Kai, but maybe this is too—

Kai puts one finger over her lip by silencing her.

Kai: Hey, baby, it's gonna be alright. Just bare with me and I can bandage your wounds after a little true love's kiss.

Kai then grabs Angela by chin to start kissing her but stops as an evil smile appears on his face.

Kai: Oh, Angela. If only there was someone out there who loved you.

Kai lets go of Angela's chin and gets up.

Angela: What? But, you said you did.
Kai: Oh, I did until you uh......how do you say? Oh right, cheated on me.
Angela: What? What are you talking about? I didn't cheat on you.
Kai: Oh, you didn't but you did until I saw you on top of Jay.
Angela: Jay? Why would I cheat on you with Jay? He's with Nya.
Kai: Or he was with Nya.
Angela: Kai, please! I would never cheat on you with Jay. Please, Kai, forgive me! I love you more than anything in the world and I want to keep it that way. Please!
Kai: You're right, Angela, I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot to think that you would betray me. So, I forgive you. But, on one condition.
Angela: Yes, baby. What is it?

Kai's smile soon turns into an angry and outraged look as he summons fire from his hand.

Angela: What do you mean?
Kai: Not only did you cheat on me with Jay but you, Nya and the other girls were talking trash about me.
Angela: Kai, why are you being so cryptic? First, you accuse me of liking Jay and now you're saying I badmouthed you. Kai, I love you! You're sweet, cute, handsome and——
Kai: SHUT UP! I'm done with you, Angela Stone!

He says as he throws the fire in his hand at Angela when she burns to ashes.


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