When The Fan Girls Find Out About Her - Kai

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So, in this chapter, the fangirls find out about Amelia and the girls dating the Ninja even though they're popular. In Jay's scenario, one of the fangirls will bring up Nya and it'll make Stacie even more angrier thinking that Jay still has feelings for her but he reassures her that Nya is old news and that she is his girlfriend now. Oh, and also in Kai's, since Angela is Japanese and doesn't know anything about social media, she is introduced to Facebook and Kai tells her that his fangirls won't say anything mean about her but they do in which makes Angela break down and Kai really angry.

Kai and Angela were in his room while he was scrolling through Facebook looking their relationship status.

Angela: Hey, Kai. Can I ask you a question?
Kai: Sure. What is it?
Angela: What is Facebook?
Kai: Really, Angela? I see you on your phone all the time and you never knew about Facebook?
Angela: No. We're Japanese and we never knew about all the social websites and stuff.
Kai: Oh, well what do you do on that phone anyway?
Angela: I just look at some pictures of you.
Kai: What kind of pictures?
Angela: Uh, these.
Kai: Let me see your phone, please.
Angela: Okay.

Angela gives Kai her phone and he unlocks it as he scrolls through some of the pictures of him when he was little and when he's shirtless and cute.

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Kai: So, I take it that you've been looking at pictures of me shirtless and my six-pack, correct?Angela: Uh, y-yes

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Kai: So, I take it that you've been looking at pictures of me shirtless and my six-pack, correct?
Angela: Uh, y-yes.
Kai: Well, why?
Angela: Because when you and I were friends, I always thought you were playful and cuddly but now as a teenage boy, you're hot, cute and sexy.
Kai: Do Mamoru and Miyuu know about this?
Angela: No. They don't need to because I am 15 and I'm allowed to look at pictures of my boyfriend shirtless.
Kai: You are just not around your parents or in public because they'll think you're this bad girl who's a pervert and likes to look at pictures of shirtless guys. But, could you do me a favor?
Angela: Sure, Kai.
Kai: You're not looking at pictures of other guys, are you? Because if you are then I count that as cheating.
Angela: Kai, what are you talking about? I would never cheat on you. You've known me for sixteen years and you still don't trust. Like what is the deal with that, Kai? Why don't you trust me?
Kai: Because you....
Angela: Because I what?
Kai: Because.....

Angela then looks away from Kai and checks the comments from the fangirls on their relationship status. Some were good but some were nasty.

"Kai, are you serious right now?!"
"How could you date someone like her who is Japanese and doesn't understand anything from our culture?!
"If I were you, I would date someone who is English and understands what we do in this country. Not a girl who is Japanese and doesn't know what social media is in which she doesn't know what it is because she's Japanese."
"You should just go back to Skylor because she was a way better girlfriend than the one you're dating."

After reading most hateful comments from the fangirls, Angela starts tearing up and begins to cry.

Angela: Kai, I feel like an complete idiot right now after reading all of these hateful comments.
Kai: Angela, baby. You're not an idiot. I don't care if you're Japanese and you don't ave an accent of it. I'm gonna teach these little brats not to talk trash about you behind your back.

Kai then writes post and it says:
"Listen, you big bullies! I've known my best friend who is now my girlfriend for sixteen years and she's always understood the ways of our culture. She has never done anything selfish like care about her looks, judge people for who they are and even doesn't cop an attitude whenever she wants attention. So, if you think I'm gonna leave her and go back to Skylor then your mind is in the wrong place because she is the most beautiful girl in the world and I wouldn't trade her for anything else. If you don't like her as my girlfriend then guess what? You're gonna have to deal with us being together and that's final! So, I friend me and goodbye! Thank you!

Angela laughs at Kai's post and kisses him on the cheek.

Angela: Thank you for standing up for me, Kai. It really means a lot to me, really.
Kai: You're welcome, Angie. I couldn't just sit by and let those hurtful comments put you down like that. You are the most beautiful girl in the world and I would do anything to be there for you even if it means doing the hard thing sometimes.
Angela: Well, now that you've defended me, I would like to ask you one more question.
Kai: Sure thing, Angie. What is it?
Angela: Do you trust me now?
Kai: Well....
Angela: Are you kidding me right now, Kai?
Kai: Angie, I sort of don't really.....
Kai: Angela, I.....
Angela: KAI!

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