What Happens While He's There - Kai

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After me and my beloved niece, Hana wake up after being handcuffed and dragged into the sewer, we look around our surroundings and notice that we are in a cell with only two torches on fire 🔥 in opposite sides and I see that the cell is mostly made of vengestone and we can't use our elements. It begins to occur to me what had happened when we were outside and I feel a little panicked on the inside but I am more worried about Hana because I don't want her to get hurt because of me. It is time to for me to push my game and be an uncle!

Kai: Alright, let's go! Come out here and fight me and my niece like men you cowards!
Hana: Yeah! Show your faces or suffer the consequences of your actions, creeps!

Acronix and Krux come into the room being followed by their army of Vermilion warriors.

Krux: I really don't think you will want us to do that, Kai and our benevolent, sweet and innocent granddaughter, Hana.
Hana: Don't you dare call me "sweet" you old geezer! I am a Master of Spinjitzu and the champion of justice! So, don't prejudge me based on my looks and appearance or I will punish you in the name of the future Ninjago!
Acronix: You seem to have quite the mouth, young granddaughter. And quite the disrespectfulness, don't you say so, twin brother?
Krux: I absolutely agree on that. She is very disrespectful and ill-mannered.
Hana: I am not disrespectful and ill-mannered! You take that back right now or I will show you the palm of my hand, oldsters!
Acronix: Do you wanna get smart with us again, young future granddaughter? Because if you do, we will teach you and your uncle the true meaning of pain!
Hana: If that's what it is, then yes!
Kai: Listen here, you two scumbags. You can either let us out or we can stay here and settle this like real men and women.
Hana: Considering the fact that you two both control the power of time and everything using the time blades.
Acronix: Do you two think we are that stupid?
Kai: Well, when you put it like that, it doesn't sound too easy, now does it?
Acronix: No! It does not sound easy. We will not release you two!

Acronix angrily says as he wanders over to me and Hana and slaps me hard across the face making my adorable watch in horror of what's gonna happen to her next. But, I'm not gonna let them harm her! I will protect her no matter what!

Hana: Uncle! Great-Uncle Acronix, how could you?! WHY DID YOU HIT UNCLE KAI?!
Acronix: He deserved it, young future
grand-niece. You will understand that when you get older and become more advanced and aware of your surroundings.
Hana: I don't need to understand anything from you, old man! You will pay the price for slapping my uncle!
Krux: And I'm pretty sure you two will after we use your elements to get something for us and not only that, we need to lure your girlfriend and sisters to us.
Kai: Oh, no you don't! You will not bring Angela, Nya and Maya into it! This is between you and me!
Hana: Or we can do it by force or by waging a war! It is your choice,
Great-Uncle Acronix and Grandpa Krux.
Acronix: We already have a choice and that is getting your family to come to us one way or another.
Krux: But, if there is any chance left, your son, daughter and nephew could be next.

When Krux brings up my future children, I grow really angry at him and ball up my fists as Hana whips out her sword and points it at Acronix and Krux to show them that no one messes with our family unless we stand in their way.

Hana: That's right! We are Masters of Spinjitzu and the champions of justice!You will taste your own blood and no victory!

Me and Hana yell as we both advance on the time twins but the Vermilion warriors grab our arms and then hold us back.

Krux: You two just don't understand, do you? We need Nya and Maya as part of our plan. Angela, Amelia, Emily, Cheryl, Cloe and Miyuki except Skylor are just needed to get you two to shatter and break like glass.
Acronix: Once we get your other lady friend and my daughter, Nia in there too, we'll kill all of them afterwards and don't you worry about it. We will make sure it's long, suffering and very painful too.
Hana: Wait a minute there. You would kill your own daughter and granddaughters? How mean and cruel of you!
Krux: What are you talking about? I don't have any granddaughters.
Hana: But, you just said I'm your future granddaughter, remember?
Krux: Only to stop Amelia from giving birth to you and your brother.
Kai: Wait, you don't know?
Acronix: Know what?
Kai: Remember how Geisha was pregnant with your kids, Miyuu and Haru?
Krux: Geisha? Me and her had gotten a divorce years ago.
Kai: Well, yeah. But, she had both Miyuu and Haru with you so that makes them your son and daughter, am I correct?
Krux: So, that would explain that Miyuu and Angela have inherited my special element of time, is that it?

Me and Hana both stop and stare at each other knowing what we just said.

Hana: No, Grandpa Krux! That is not how it works. A child cannot inherit an element before it is taken away.
Acronix: And how would you know that?
Hana: Because Mother and Grandma Geisha told me that.
Kai: Of course they did.
Krux: Nice try, Hana. But, my ex-wife and your grandmother, Geisha was conceived way before my element was taken away.
Kai: Spew whatever word and lie you spit out about your family, Krux! All I know that is when Angela and the others, they are gonna knock you guys dead! And you are not gonna hurt her, my brothers, my sisters, my sensei my son, daughter and nieces and nephews and Nia because if you do, I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!
Krux: We'll see about that, red ninja. Right after I strike your niece and my granddaughters. Now, hold still Hana or I will make it more painful than you could ever imagine.
Hana: That's what you think, old geezer!
Kai: Hana, NO!

I shout Hana's name trying to pull out of the Vermilion warriors' grip until Krux gets ready to punch her but I slip right out of the Vermilions' grasp and jump in front of Hana and take the punch in my my gut really hard and collapse to the ground as Hana towers me with tears flowing down her face and gets down on her knees kneeling beside me.

Hana: Uncle Kai, you saved me!
Acronix: He did. For now, Hana.
Krux: Like uncle, like niece.

Acronix says as he, Krux and the Vermilion warriors leave our cell. Hana then puts her hand over my gut and my cheek checking for injuries. She is such a sweet little girl. I love her very much!

Hana: Uncle Kai, why would you take the punch instead of me?
Kai: Because I had to protect you, baby girl. Amelia and Lloyd would kill me if I let anything bad happen to you. I just love you and I don't want anybody putting their hands on you for no reason.
Hana: Aw, Uncle! I feel so touched by your comment and for that, you deserve a great big kiss on the cheek.

Hana says as she leans down towards to my face and kisses me on the cheek as I blush really hard. I then do the same as I take her hand and pull her in for a sweet big kiss on the cheek which makes her blush too.

Hana: Uncle Kai?
Kai: Yes, dear?
Hana: What is gonna happen when Mother, Auntie Angie and the others get here?
Kai: Don't you worry, baby. When Angela and the gang gets come to the rescue, they are gonna kick Acronix, Krux and the Vermilion warriors' butts when they get here. I just don't want him to kill Angela and the guys, especially my best friend, Nia. (Yeah, I know Kai called me his best friend and I do happen to have a really huge crush on him. But, he has friend-zoned. Bummer!)
Hana: They are not gonna hurt Mother, Father, Auntie Angela and the others, I promise you that.
Kai: You always know the sweetest and kindhearted things to say, don't you?
Hana: That's only because I am your niece and I love you, Uncle Kai!
Kai: Aw! I love you too, Hana!

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