When He Has A Nightmare - Zane

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Zane's POV
I'm in a ice cave somewhere stranded on an island as pass through a maze out of the cave that leads to a clearing when I see Kai and Serena across the clearing as I attempt to reach them but I am stopped by an invisible force. I try to call out to them but they do not hear me as I can barely make out what they're saying when I hear Serena begin to cry.

Kai: Baby cousin, it's gonna be okay. I won't let anything happen to you.
Serena: I know you won't. It's just that Zane cannot find out about this.

When Serena turns to the left direction, I see that she has a cyan blue scar down her right eye.

Kai: Serena, I just don't get it. How did you even get this scar in the first place?
Serena: I don't know. Mom said it was a birth defect during the surgery and the pregnancy.
Kai: But, can't you get it to come off?
Serena: No. The ancestors said that the scar is somewhat linked to my powers.
Kai: Wait, you have powers?
Serena: Yes.
Kai: If you have powers, then that must mean you could be a ninja.
Zane: Serena has powers?
Kiara: Yes, she does.

I hear a voice behind me when I turn around to find a Brazilian woman who looks a lot like Serena.

Zane: Miss, I don't mean to be rude but who are you?
Kiara: I am Kiara Ciano Nicole. Serena's mother and Kai's aunt.
Zane: Well, it's so good to see you. Serena thought General Cryptor killed you and your husband.
Kiara: He didn't kill us, he kidnapped us.
Zane: But, why?
Kiara: He wanted to see who the smartest person in our family was so he chose to take Serena but we refused let him.
Zane: So, what happened next?
Kiara: He said if we didn't hand over our daughter, then he would kill one of us so me and my husband decided to turn ourselves in only to protect our children. After we left and never came back, my sister and brother-in-law went missing and so me and my husband started looking for them.
Zane: May I ask, who is your sister and brother-in-law?
Kiara: Ray and Maya.
Zane: You're related to Kai's mother?
Kiara: Yes, I am. But, I need you to do me one favor.
Zane: What is that favor, Kiara?
Kiara: I need you to wake up and tell Serena that I'm alive. She needs to know about this or she'll just keep assuming me and her father are dead in which we're not. So, please, please, please, please tell Serena, Gabe, Mona Lise and Dareth we're alive.
Zane: Don't you worry, Captain Kiara. I will tell your sons and daughters you're alive. I will not let them down.
Kiara: Thank you, Zane. I'm counting on you and my oldest nephew to protect her.
Zane: You mean Kai, right?
Kiara: Yup. My niece and nephew are your teammates, Kai and Nya.
Zane: This is so surreal.
Kiara: Not anymore.


Zane: Serena, wake up my darling!
Serena: Zane, what is it?
Zane: I have something I need to tell you.
Serena: What's wrong?
Zane: Your parents are still alive.
Serena: Really? How do you know that?
Zane: Your mother appeared in my dream and told me to tell you that General Cryptor never murdered them, he kidnapped them just to get to you.
Serena: Wow! This all makes sense. I think we might have another chance.
Zane: Of what?
Serena: Of taking down General Cryptor once and for all. I mean he could be planning to kidnap me next, I just know it.
Zane: And what if he isn't?
Serena: Then, he could be doing it at any second, I just know it. When General Cryptor finds out what we're planning against him, he is not gonna know what hit him.

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