When He Talks To Her Family - Kai

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Kai: Angela, I already met your parents.

Kai says shrugging.

Angela: I know but they want to have supper with you to get know you better.
Kai: But your dad hates.
Angela: I guess maybe a little bit though.
Kai: What?

Kai says as Angela opens the door.

Miyuu: こんにちは, Kai!
Kai: こんにちは, Mrs. Stone.

Kai says shaking her hand.

Kai: What's for supper?
Miyuu: Okonomiyaki.
Kai: Oooh! I love okonomiyaki!
Emily: Me too!
Kai: Huh? Oh, hey, Emily. How's my little fire princess doing?
Emily: Awesome and fiery!
Kai: That is really awesome for a 10-year old who also controls the same element as me.
Emily: Yeah, I know! Bro fist?
Kai: Bro fist! We're the Fire-benders!
Emily: Fire!

After Emily and Kai's cheerful welcoming, the rest of the Stone family come downstairs for dinner when a certain someone appears with them.

Amelia: こんにちは, Kai.
Kai: こんにちは, Amelia.
Cheryl: こんにちは, Kai! It's me, Cheryl! The baby of the family!
Kai: Yes, you certainly are the baby of the family.

Kai says as he picks Cheryl up and spins her around and then puts her back down.

Miyuki: Um, こんにちは, Kai. I'm——
Kai: Miyuki, right! Your Cloe's sister and their cousin and the legendary ice and water princess.
Miyuki: Right! It's very nice to meet you. I am the controller of ice and water.
Kai: You too, sweetness.

Kai cheerfully says as he ruffles her hair making her blush.

Miyuki: He's so sweet and cute.

Cloe: こんにちは, Kai.
Kai: こんにちは, Cloe. You look very nice today. You, Amelia, Angela, Emily, Cheryl, Miyuki and——Skylor?!
Skylor: Kai?!
Cloe: Well, um, thank you, Kai. You're not so half bad yourself.
Kai: Uh, yeah. Thank you, Cloe.

After Kai greets Cloe, he meets ex-girlfriend Skylor again who's very happy to see him so she runs over to him giving him a big hug in which turns into her romantically embracing him making Angela jealous.

Skylor: Oh, Kai, sweetheart I haven't seen you in forever. I missed you so much.
Kai: Yeah, I know. Me too, Sky.

Kai says sarcastically not wanting to see her.

Skylor: So, Kai, I've been thinking about the past.
Kai: Yes, I see. And?
Skylor: I want us to get back together!

This shocks Angela making her very infuriated and jealous at the same time.

Kai: What? Seriously, Skylor?!
Skylor: Yes, Kai. I love you.
Kai: Skylor, if you loved me, then you wouldn't of cheated on me.
Skylor: But, Kai, baby. I realized my mistakes. Please?
Kai: No, Skylor. We are never ever getting back together. I already have a beautiful girlfriend.
Skylor: And who is she?
Kai: She's actually standing right here.

He says revealing Angela to Skylor.

Skylor: Angela?! You're dating Angela?
Kai: Yes I am. You got a problem with that?
Skylor: Yeah, I got a problem with that! You're dating my younger sister!
Kai: So what, Skylor? You cheated on me fair and square. I'm dating Angela and that's final! So deal with it!

Angela walks over to Skylor who is pissed and upset with Angela but not Kai.

Angela: Listen, sis, I know you're probably upset about Kai dating me but are you okay with me being his girlfriend? Are we cool with each other?

She puts her hand on Skylor's shoulder but she pushes it off glaring at Angela with a mean look on her face.

Skylor: I know we're both sisters and we wouldn't do anything to hurt each other to get what we want but just so you know something, Angela, I always get what I want so you better watch your back.

Skylor brushes past Angela and goes upstairs not wanting to eat dinner.

Angela: What's with Skylor?
Kai: You see, Angela, I used to be in a relationship with Skylor before you came back. I was head over heels in love with her and beauty and when I saw you again, you looked so gorgeous and mature and all grown up.

Angela blushes hearing those kind words come out of Kai's mouth.

Angela: Aw, Kai, I really——
Mamoru: Hey, Hon, my beautiful sweet daughters and nieces and——you.

Mamoru says when he sees Kai.

Angela: In Japanese, we say 'こんばんは'. It means 'good evening'.
Kai: こんばんは, Mr. Stone.

Mamoru then takes a seat while keeping an eye on Kai.

Mamoru: If 'Kai' is your real name, why don't you tell us what you do for a living.
Kai: Well, sir, I'm a ninja and I protect and save people from harms way.
Mamoru: Oh, so you're a ninja and you protect people but you did hurt my daughter.

Kai's face goes pale as he looks down at the table.

Angela: Dad, seriously?!

Angela says through grinning her teeth.

Mamoru: I demand an answer!

Megumi and Mei Ling appears to join them for dinner.

Megumi: My son stop this nonsense right now! This is dinner not interrogation.

Says Megumi telling her son to stop harassing Kai.

Kai: Sir, with all do respect, I apologized to Angela and we were cool.
Mamoru: Well, me and you are not cool.
Amelia: Father!
Angela: Dad!

Both Amelia and Angela yell at the same time.

Kai: No, it's true, girls. I am an accident but they can be forgiven for once.
Mei Ling: He's right, brother.
Mamoru: Fine. I forgive you.
Kai: Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Stone! I promise it will not happen again.
Mamoru: It better not.

Everyone at the table finishes supper and Angela walks with Kai out the door to talk.

Kai: I guess your dad still doesn't like me, huh?
Angela: Oh, he does. He just doesn't like it when boys and training go together but I'm sure he'll get used to you because you who you are.
Kai: Aw, Angela, you're so cute when you blush because you're my eternal flame.

Kai says as he grabs Angela by the waist and kisses her roughly.

Kai: さようなら, Angela. I love you.
Angela: さようなら, Kai. 愛してる.

They both say goodbye to each other as they walk away and Mamoru was watching the whole thing.

Mamoru: No more kissing, young lady!
Angela: Dad, give it a rest already!

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