When He Rescues Her - Cole

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Amelia, Cole, Lloyd and Miyuki have been looking Cloe all day long until they go under the sewers and find out that's where Skales and the serpentine are keeping Cloe. Meanwhile, Cloe and Janet continue their rivalry in which leads to Cloe getting hypnotized and involves a lot of cussing 🤬 and time to die 🗡 stuff having to make the Wattpad police intervene and explain some things they can and cannot do on Wattpad.

Cole's POV
We have been searching all day and all night for Cloe but she isn't anywhere to be found. We've searched for clues but we don't have any and that just leaves us puzzled a little bit. I mean she couldn't have just disappeared without a trace.

Lloyd: You guys, do you think they could have gone in the sewers?
Amelia: I think so, baby. What about you guys?
Miyuki: Maybe. Cole?
Cole: Only one way to find out. Let's go!

I say as we all enter the sewers and go underground. Me and Amelia angrily interrogate the serpentine and Janet while assuming that they know what happened to Cloe and so me and the others begin to get down to brass tacks demanding where Cloe is and what they have done with her.

Miyuki: Hey, you snake assholes! Where the fuck is Cloe?!
Lloyd: Yeah! Where is our sister?!
Amelia: If any of you do not tell us where you are keeping her, I'm gonna shove my sword up in each and every one of your large and small intestines! 😡🗡

Amelia and the others demand angrily but the serpentine just keep on laughing until Amelia marches over to Skales advances on him with her sword to his throat.

Amelia: Skales! After what you did to my beloved and wise uncle, you and cruel henchmen are gonna pay for all the pain and agony you have caused me and my family for years! Now, I will ask for the last time. Where is my cousin, Cloe?!
Skales: Why don't you see for yourself, Stone.

Skales says moving as he reveals Cloe to all of us. I started crying at the sight of see her because she has a sword in her hand and her eyes are red when I soon learn that she's hypnotized.

Amelia: Cole, are you alright?
Cole: No, I'm not alright. I failed! I failed to be a good boyfriend, I failed to protect Cloe and I failed to be the leader of the group! I'm such a failure and a loser!

I get down on my knees and begin crying and bawling my eyes out when
Amelia gets down and tells me it's gonna be okay and that I'm not failure but instead she grabs my hand and breaks my wrist as I let out a huge scream.

Cole: Ow! Amy, you're so strong and you have a really tight grip but what was that for?
Amelia: I cannot stand here and hear you mourn over what you failed to do, Cole. You are a ninja and ninjas don't wine or cry over their mistakes! They learn from them and make the right choices again, again and again. I know it's hard seeing a hypnotized Cloe with a sword but we're all in this together because no matter what happens, we will fight back and win against our enemies with boldness and courage! So, Cole, are you gonna stop being such a pussy and man up so you can be a ninja and bring back Cloe?
Cole: Cloe is hypnotized and I need to break her free from it before this situation gets out of control. Yes. I am ready to save Cloe and beat the serpentine!
Amelia: Now, that's the Cole we all know and love. Alright, now let's go save Cloe and all of the serpentine!
Cole: Yeah! And let's save Cloe!
Miyuki: But, wait! We can't fight your girlfriend and our sister and cousin you guys.
Lloyd: Exactly! We need to find a way to snap her out of it.
Cole: But, how?
Amelia: You need to kiss her!
Miyuki: Oh, yeah! True love can thaw a frozen heart, I get it now!
Amelia: Or true love can cure an hypnotized mind.
Cole: You're right! Man, you guys are Frozen and conspiracy freaks. Okay, I'm gonna go kiss her while you two try to sword fight her!
Amelia: We're on it!
Miyuki: Woo! Operation Sister Cousin Girlfriend Mind Break!

As we get into our fighting positions getting ready to fight, Cloe charges at us as she takes the sword and almost hits me and Miyuki with it only to be stopped by Amelia who also has a sword and knocks Cloe's sword out of her hand and begins cussing.  🤬

Cloe: Are you fucking kidding me?! Oh, well. Time to die, little cousin! 😈
Amelia: I don't think so, Cloe! Cole, now!

Amelia shouts as I quickly run over to Cloe and press my lips up against hers but at first she doesn't kiss back and instead tries punching and kicking me out of my grasp but it doesn't take long until she finally returns to normal and kiss back making Janet very jealous and angry.

Janet: How could this happen?! I thought the mind potion would work on her but it didn't. Oh, I swear when I catch you Stones, you're gonna regret ever coming——

Janet is soon cut by Amelia's kick in her face in which makes Lloyd impressed by her performance as he puts his arms around her waist and kisses her on the cheek.

Cloe: Oh my god, Cole! You guys came back for me!
Cole: We sure did, honey. Now, let's get out of here!
All: Okay!

As we all are about to leave the cave, we are then stopped by a woman in a police uniform and wearing hat that says 'Wattpad Police' on it.

Amelia: Um, can we help you, ma'am?
Rebecca: Yes, I'm Rebecca Macklemore Hansel the Wattpad police.
Cloe: What are you doing here?
Rebecca: Well, I came here just to make sure that everything is family-friendly and those swords are not family-friendly. So, give them to me.

Amelia and Cloe politely hand over their swords to Rebecca as she continues to explain some information about what we can and cannot do on Wattpad.

Rebecca: Okay, thank you very much, ladies. So, I don't know what you guys are trying get away with here but whatever it is, it is not appropriate because I do not like swords and guns. And I also don't like this 'time to die' stuff either. From now on it's 'time for fun' or 'you're going down'. Just so that we're all clear, I want there to be no weapons, no cursing, no wrist breaking, no sexual intercourse, no falling in love with a villain or marrying them and last but not least no cheap shots! Alright, are we all clear?
All: Yes, ma'am.
Rebecca: Just be careful and don't let come back here to warn you again or I'll age-restrict your new series, Amelia Stone.
Amelia: Don't worry, Rebecca-chan. It won't happen again, I promise you.
Rebecca: It better not.

So, Rebecca Macklemore Hansel is the Wattpad police who will appear in some of the scenarios to make sure that what Amelia and the others are doing is family-friendly and appropriate for the readers otherwise she'll age-restrict it.

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