When She Tries To Escape - Lloyd

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After the girls passed out from the smoke bomb, Amelia, Lila and Layla have to come up with a plan to escape and go back home. But, Amelia and the girls have to risk whatever they got to face the Evil Ninja and show them that they are not pussies!

After Amelia and the girls passed out from the smoke, the three wake up and begin to devise a plan on how to escape the cave and be free for good. All five of the evil copies enter the cave as the girls start their plan of having Layla seduce and flirt with Evil Kai and Evil Jay and Amelia and Lila take the other three. But as soon as their mission is accomplished, Evil Lloyd appears as he shoves Lila out of the way and pushes Amelia against the wall while smiling at her evilly.

(This part will be much similar to Nakahdan asking for Nya's hand in marriage as Evil Lloyd will ask Amelia to marry him but she will decline the offer saying that she already has a boyfriend who's not an evil copy of someone else.)

Evil Lloyd: Why, hello there, Amelia. Long time no see. Did you miss me?
Amelia: No, I didn't!
Evil Lloyd: Oh, come on, Amy! I know you don't mean that. I can see that you already have a great taste for my looks and muscular body.
Amelia: First of all, you don't get to call me 'Amy' because only my boyfriend and my friends get to say that to me and second, I do not like you and I hate you! What do you want with me anyway?
Evil Lloyd: Well, Amelia, you have the eyes of a cherry blossom in the wind and I really love your strength and skills. So, I've been meaning to ask you this one thing and only.
Amelia: Of course you wanted to ask me something just spit it out and get it over with already.
Evil Lloyd: Can I say something crazy?
Amelia: Yeah, sure. What?
Evil Lloyd: Will you marry me?
Amelia: Can I say something even crazier? No!

Amelia yells at Evil Lloyd as she punches him in the face and makes a run for the door as Lila jumps behind Evil Lloyd and kicks him in the back and runs after Amelia to go find Layla. Just as Amelia and Lila are running after Layla, Evil Zane grabs Lila and pins her against the wall with a knife in his hand and threatens Amelia if she makes any sudden movements, he will stab Lila.

Amelia: Let her go, Evil Zane!
Evil Zane: And what if I don't?
Amelia: Then, you're gonna taste the power of friendship and family!
Evil Lloyd: I don't think so, sweetie!

Amelia then turns around to find her boyfriend's evil counterpart seducing her and calling her cute names in which makes her very angry and upset.

Amelia: Evil Lloyd, will you please stop calling me cute names! Only my boyfriend, the one and only green ninja, Lloyd Garmadon gets to call me that! God! He's even worse than Nakahdan. I just don't get why Raquel has feelings for him. I mean she thinks he good and nice and cute but worst of all, she thinks Nadakhan can be trusted because she's in love with him and wants to date and marry him without even knowing his true intentions as a villain. It's just like Anna rushing to marry Hans all over again!
Evil Lloyd: Come on, Amelia! I know you love me and not the green ninja. Besides, you don't even know about his real age.
Lila: What the hell?
Amelia: His real what?
Evil Lloyd: His real age.
Amelia: Wait, what is he talking about you guys?
Layla: Nothing. He is talking about nothing.
Evil Lloyd: Oh, I am talking about something but I'll tell you about it later after Amelia agrees to be my wife.
Amelia: I will not marry you, Evil Lloyd! I am gonna marry Lloyd after I graduate high school!
Evil Lloyd: Oh, well that's just too bad because your friends will suffer a harsh punishment here if you don't agree to be my wife. Boys, put those two into a cell!
Amelia: What? No!

The Evil Ninja all laugh and throw Lila and Layla into a cell and get locked up as they watch in horror as their friend, Amelia has to make the biggest decision ever in her life right now. Evil Lloyd then walks over to her and gets down on one holding out a jewelry box for Amelia to see as her face goes pale.

Evil Lloyd: So, Amelia, this is your last choice. Will you be my wife or should your friends suffer a very dismal fate.
Amelia: I know exactly what I want.
Evil Lloyd: Oh, and what is that, dear?
Amelia: That is GIRLS NOW!
Evil Lloyd: What?

Lila and Layla break out of the cell and get ready to fight the Evil Ninja alongside Amelia.

Layla: Payback's a bitch, huh, Lloyd?
Evil Lloyd: Oh, it doesn't matter! Once the Ninja get here, we'll destroy them and you two and I will marry Amelia!
Amelia: We'll see about that, Evil Lloyd. Come on, girls! Let's end this!
Both: YEAH!

Amelia and the girls are about to risk it all When Evil Lloyd wants to marry her but she refuses. Will Lloyd and the others make it into the cave on time to rescue the girls?

Amelia Stone: Ninjago Boyfriend ScenariosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang