When She Tries To Escape - Cole

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Cloe is foaming at the mouth because of all the pain and agony Skales and the serpentine have caused her so decides to even and bring truth and justice back to where it belongs in the world. But, as she is overcoming her losses and griefs, her former best friend, Janet returns and is revealed to be Skales' daughter.

Cloe: All these years of pain, agony, suffering and grief. You destroyed my life!
Skales: I never even had anything to do with your life!
Skales: You are sssuch a sssstupid girl!
Cloe: What did you call me, asshole?!
Skales: I said you are a sssstupid girl!

Cloe yells as she charges at Skales and starts fighting him by throwing several punches and kicks at him but this time he doesn't play as he swings his tail at Cloe but she dodges it and gives him the Bicycle Kick up his ass making him very weak to fight.

Cloe: You have taken away everything I ever loved in my life and now it is all because of you!
Skales: You may think that revenge is gonna help you but it won't becaussse we will alwaysss be sssuperior and you will alwaysss be weak and unintelligent.
Cloe: Fuck you, Skales! That's bullshit and you know it!
Skales: Oh, do I?
Cloe: Yes, and now I'm going to make you pay for what you've done to my boyfriend, my friends and family!
Janet: Not if I can do something about it!
Cloe: Huh?

Cloe looks to the right and sees her former best friend, Janet again.

Skales: My daughter, it is so nice to sssee you again.
Janet: You too, Father. So, what's going on down here?
Skales: Your former bessst friend here is trying to essscape.
Janet: Oh, is she?
Skales: Yesss.
Cloe: I'm only escaping because my life is in enough hell as it is with you guys. So, now I'm gonna be returning the favor you gave to me when you betrayed me.
Janet: And what is that favor?

Cloe shouts as she kicks Janet but she grabs her leg and throws her into some glass.

Janet: Look, Cloe, I don't wanna fight, I just want your forgiveness so we can be friends again.
Cloe: You don't deserve it because you know why?
Janet: Why?
Cloe: If you want forgiveness, get religion!
Janet: Get religion?
Cloe: Yup. Get some fucking religion into your dull, slow-witted serpentine minds!
Janet: And how do suppose I do that?
Cloe: You'll get it by this!

Cloe gets up and strikes at Janet with a stronger blow and slugs her in the face while she does a backflip kick and a cartwheel kick to send Janet flying across the room and into the wall.

Cloe: I guess you serpentine aren't so strong anymore because you're weak and I am inevitable.
Janet: Oh, this fight ain't over yet, Stone. I still got a few more tricks up my sleeve.
Cloe: Or maybe you can get more of this up your ass!

Cloe walks over to Janet and kicks her in the back.

Cloe: I'm having a great, great day. It's about time that I've got my way. Punching and kicking whoever I see. Oh, despicable me!

Cloe excitedly and cheerfully taunts right in front of Skales, Janet and the serpentine.

Will Cloe keep having this good good, day or will the serpentine ruin her special day of ass-kicking for her?

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