When She Gets Betrayed and Runs to Him - Cole

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(In this scenario, Cloe's friend and one of her classmates, Janet will betray her and reveal she's the daughter of one of the villains and will run to Cole in the need of help and support.)

Janet was acting very strange lately. She was over at Cloe's for the weekend and was watching TV with Cloe when she sinisterly smiled at her with an evil look on her face leaving Cloe wondering why she's been acting so weird.

Cloe: Janet, we need to talk.
Janet: About what?
Cloe: About the way you've been acting today? And why were you smiling at me so evilly?

Janet's smile soon fades away as she is about to tell Cloe about her true nature and that their friendship was just a con to get something from her.

Janet: You see, Cloe. We serpentine have our own ways of using con and deception to get what we want and when we see a certain someone of our vendetta, we befriend them into thinking that we are nice people. But, we are not nice people.
Cloe: Serpentine? Wait, are you half-snake?
Janet: Yes, I am. And I'm the daughter of one of them.
Cloe: Who?
Janet: I am the daughter of Skales.
Cloe: You're the daughter of Skales? How could this be?
Janet: Ever since you came back to Ninjago, I knew I had to join the dance team in order to get more information out of you. So, I befriended you to get your powers.
Cloe: My powers? What powers? I don't have any powers.
Janet: You could have inherited some from your sister, Miyuki.
Cloe: Okay listen, I don't what the hell you're talking about but I did not inherit any of my sister's powers.
Janet: Or maybe you did inherit some.
Cloe: So, what you're saying is that you were pretending to be my friend this whole time just so you could take what you thought I had.
Janet: On the contrary, yes.

Cloe's eyes started to fill with water as she began packing her bag and leaving her friend's house not wanting to come back because the person she had known for a long time betrayed and is the daughter of one of their serpentine. She ran as far as she could from her friend's house when she suddenly bumped into Cole in the forest as she buried her head into his chest and started crying.

Cole: Cloe, baby. What's wrong?
Cloe: My best friend, Janet betrayed me.
Cole: Why? What happened?
Cloe: Because she's the daughter of Skales.
Cole: Wait, did you just say Skales? One of the serpentine. What did he want with you?
Cloe: He wanted her to intel from me. He wanted my powers because he thinks I inherited my sister's. But, I don't think I did. All I know is that the person who was so close to me betrayed me and now I can't trust her anymore.
Cole: Hey, I know what will cheer you up.
Cloe: Really, what?
Cole: You can come live with me at the monastery, how does that sound?
Cloe: That sounds awesome! Thank you, Cole!
Cole: You're welcome, second Elsa. Let's go show you your new room.

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